BONUS: The Honeymoon

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There was this thing that I have always dreamed of doing that the two people that had been my parents denied me--going camping. My brother had tried to imitate the experience a couple of times when we were kids by putting a tent in the backyard and setting up a fire and roasting marshmallows and while it was great and we always had fun, I still wished we were allowed to go camping. So, when I told my now husbands about this a month ago while we were planning our honeymoon, they hadn't denied my wish even if I knew that one of them in particular would rather have a completely different experience.

"Are we almost there?" Donghyuck complained once again with his hand on my arm to keep balance. "I was not made for such long walks." He sits down at a boulder, making the rest of us laugh.

"We're close, Hyuck, only ten more minutes," Mark replies, handing him a water bottle.

"I think you guys should carry me." It scared me slightly how serious that sounded but when no one did as he said, he whined again.

He stands abruptly just as the rest of us were about to sit down and with determination says, "Okay, I can do this. Let's go."

He leads the way up this time, the three of us walking significantly slower, chatting with each other. When we finally arrived to our designated campsite, we were quickly impressed with the view that it gave. It was pure nature but it was just so perfectly placed that I couldn't help but take out my camera and take a photo of it--a hobby I had recently taken up. The four of us had decided to have our phones off for the three days we would be here as to not get distracted. However, we still had them with us just in case. It was a good idea Mark had had, it was a way to not get tempted to not be with anything else besides each other although, even if our phones were on I find it hard to believe that any of us would have rather been on the tiny screen than with our lovers.

The campsite we had rented was a private site. There was a picnic table and a stack of wood nearby as well as an axe if we are to run out. There was also a grill that we would use to cook the meat we had brought, a bathroom, and lastly, there was one lone cabin a few feet away. Inside, there was only enough space for a huge bed we had made sure would fit the four of us as well as a fridge and space for our clothes.

It was perfect. Just us. Just like I had wished all that time ago, the place I wished we would have been able to run away to.

The first thing Donghyuck did was throw himself on the picnic table, groaning and throwing profanities about how much his feet hurt. Mark and Jaemin stayed by my side, laughing at him and looking at the place.

"There's a lake down there," I say, pointing to the right. I had done some research and had gotten many details from the old man that owns this place. "We should wash up, lay down a while, and then make dinner."

The three of them agreed with me and before anyone could say anything, Donghyuck was undressing. We stare at him a few seconds before he realizes that we weren't doing the same as him.

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