Chapter 23

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It's hard to focus when you can feel such an intense presence in the same room as you. By saying this, I do not only mean Jeno's presence; one I couldn't ignore, one that made me nervous and tingly. In fact, I have come to get used to ignoring him (not that that was easy) but having an even stronger presence here made it easier than it should've been. By that, I mean his father who I could swear has been staring at me the whole hour we have been paying attention to the presentation regarding this project.

I glance at him, sitting close to the head of the table, next to my father. But he's never looking in my direction. His eyes are always on the screen or the presenter, only those two points. Goosebumps run to me but I disguise them with a stoic face, my eyes on the man that was speaking.

My face gives an impression of concentration and I realize that I am a good actor. Only such great actors can ignore everything around them and only focus on their role, after all.

My eyes never go to Jeno because if they do then I'd be doomed. I'm too afraid that if I even glance at him, my gaze would not want to look away. 

So I try to focus. But then I feel a graze on my leg and I look up. Coincidentally enough, Jeno was sitting right in front of me (The seats were assigned. They really do want us to get caught, it's the only explanation for such a coincidence). I looked at him discreetly but he wasn't looking at me. He was frowning at the screen and no one could have guessed by looking at him that he wasn't putting all of his attention to the presentation, just like me. He's a good actor too, I'll give him that.

"The location is rather inadequate, am I right?" Jeno asks, gesturing with a hand, interrupting the presenter. His voice sounded professional and sure, a confidence that made butterflies roam through my stomach.

The man in a suit identical to the others in the room pauses. All eyes are on Jeno. Then, back on the man. Said man clears his throat before responding. "The area is indeed rather underdeveloped but by making new, secured buildings it could attract many people. The wealthy population."

"Then what would happen to the other citizens? The ones that will be disturbed by the construction. The poor. You've mentioned that a building would be taken down to make this shopping center, correct?" It was rhetorical, he didn't allow the other man to answer. "What will happen to those who live there? The ones that cannot afford anything other than that?"

He was right. The area that had been chosen for this project was where much of the lower class lived. The buildings were a little run-down but they were still homes. I frown.

The frown on his face was rather attractive and now I had an excuse to look at him. Looking at the person speaking is polite.

Focus, Donghyuck, there are important things on hand.

"Well, uh," the man stutters. He was not cut out for this type of questioning. I would be the first to admit that Jeno could be quite intimidating.

"Those people don't matter." His father's deep voice interrupts.

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