Chapter 28

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It's been a couple of days since the last time that we saw Renjun-Hyung and a couple of days since we've had his letter in our hands. It feels like an eternity and every day I become more and more desperate to open it but Chenle and I have both been busy with work from the moment that we came home so we haven't had the chance.

Chenle suggested that I open it by myself but I knew that was just wrong considering that it was addressed to the two of us. It was a matter that involved the two of us which meant we both had to read it, together.

I stare at the letter, holding it tightly in my left hand, the TV on as background noise.

I sigh and lean back on the couch headrest, waiting for Chenle to return home. Today I will go to sleep after reading this letter. No more delaying it.


"They hate me. Everything is ruined and they'll never want to see me again. They'll pretend not to know me and make disgusted faces whenever they see me-"

"Wait, so do they know you or not? Because if they didn't, then they wouldn't give you disgusted faces," Jaemin says.

"That's not the point!" I groan, putting a pillow on my face, nearly screaming into it.

He laughs. LAUGHS! "I thought I was the dramatic one out of the two of us, Jun."

"But this is not an overreaction. It's a very rational reaction. Come on, Jaem, you can't convince me otherwise. It's been days since I gave them the letter and they have said nothing. Not even a single text. A small 'hi,' even. They're ignoring me," I deadpan, turning my face to look at the TV which was now muted.

"I get where you're coming from but you don't know anything for sure, Jun. How about you, you know, ask them?"

I whine. "I want a Twinkie," I mumble.


I received a phone call from Jisung at 8:27, another one at 9:08, and a third one at 10:02. I called him back at 11 PM sharp, as I was walking to my car.

"Is everything okay?" I question with a frown, opening the car door.

"Uh, yeah," he answers groggily.

"Oh, gosh, you were sleeping. I'm sorry." I wince.

"No, no, I'm glad you called back. Sorry for calling you multiple times while you were working, by the way. I was just... a little desperate." He pauses. "I thought you got out of work at 7:30?"

"Yeah, I did." I back my car out of my parking space. "But I got held back, going through some contracts and such. My dad wanted me to personally do some inventory which meant going through a bunch of papers and blah, blah, blah." I sigh. "I'm on my way now. Will you go back to sleep or wait for me?"

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