Chapter 15

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It wasn't okay.

I wasn't okay

Not after he looked at me like that but then his father spewed some nonsense.

Was this it? Was that what his parents wanted to do? Was this their master plan? To hurt me again, to emphasize the fact that I would never be able to be with their son because, in their eyes, we're not meant to be. In fact, it's the exact opposite. But if they feel threatened by me, then there must be a reason, right?

I can't think straight.

I felt pain all over again at thinking that I had lost him. But he looked at me like that.

What is going on?

I can't think straight.

So, I did what I know best when it comes to dealing with my emotions: drink.

It started with one to subside the pain but that didn't work. Over the years, my alcohol tolerance had risen significantly so then I chugged another one when no one was looking. Then another, and then another as I spoke to some CEO who hadn't seen me since I was twelve, then another as I spoke to the COO of some company that sells us materials, then another as I spoke to Mr. Hwang back at our table. Another as we ate, another when my parents were barely on their first one, and one when they made a toast for I don't remember why, then another as I spoke to someone who expressed how handsome I was and who wanted to introduce me to their daughter. By that one, I couldn't even recognize whether it was a man or a woman to whom I was speaking so I simply laughed and excused myself.

My mind was foggy and I had forgotten why I was even drinking so all in all, I had achieved my goal.

I was a happy drunk so I was laughing and stumbling and looking for somebody but I wasn't too sure who I was looking for.

My parents? No, I could see them from where I was next to the table full of desserts, and upon seeing them, there came no recognition or satisfaction that it was supposed to bring upon finding what you are looking for.

So. What am I looking for?

I remember thinking; he loves me, right?

But who? Who am I looking for? Who loves me?

I felt a hand on my wrist but not from the person in front of me. I looked at them and I laughed. "You. You. You." I couldn't say anything else but I remembered him, that much I know. How could I not?


My eyes were on Donghyuck all night long. As he took every glass of wine or whatever alcoholic drink he was drinking. I watched as one drink became two, two became three, three became four, and so on. Each drink he took, the deeper my frown grew. 

People continuously came to congratulate me on my 'engagement' but I denied it each time and pushed them away and my eyes stayed on Donghyuck. There was a smile on his face by the fifth one but he was clearly not okay. At some point, the Hwang's kid grabbed his hand. Donghyuck quickly pushed him away but I saw that the man kept insisting.

Intricate: 'WE' Still Exists I MARKNOMINHYUCK (MXMXMXM)Where stories live. Discover now