Chapter 39

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I look at myself in the mirror, adjusting the tie around my neck so that it looks sharper than it had before. I turn my head down at my feet and make sure that both of my dress shoes are spotless without a single spot of imperfection. If we wanted to be taken seriously, then we have to look the part, of course.

I looked around my room to the other boys who were in different steps of getting themselves ready; Mark was putting his shirt on, Jeno was putting his blazer on, and Jaemin, looking disheveled, was pulling on his pants. I laugh, walking towards him.

"Need help?" I ask teasingly.

"The last time I said yes to that, I ended up more unready than I previously was. So, no. Thank you," he replies in a mumble, shaking his head slightly as he buttoned up his trousers.

"I promise to be helpful," I retort, passing his light blue button up to him.

He sighs, accepting the shirt before pulling it on. His gaze falls on my eyes, seeing my genuine look, he nods in defeat. I take a step closer to him and slowly do every button starting from the bottom. "How do you feel?" I question softly.

His eyes turn to Jeno who looked normal, relaxed, even. "A little nervous. Going into a courtroom is bound to make anyone feel nervous, right?" He turns to me, his lips pulled into a nervous smile. "A little worried too," he continued quietly.

I glance at the black-haired male who is tying his shoes on the bed, a few feet away from us. "Yeah," I say, "I think we're allowed to."

This is the final court date on the case against Jeno's parents. The first one was four months ago and there have been five in total, six if we include this one. After the first court date, Jeno broke, and there was a lot of screaming and throwing things around in a fit of rage once we had arrived at Mark's apartment. Of course, none of it was aimed at us but instead at the wall and a shoe at the TV (thankfully, the TV was okay.) Eventually, he broke down crying, tired. We laid him in bed, surrounding him while he mumbled apologies to us. It was different from what we had seen from him since he usually was quiet and that's how he dealt with things but it was like, well, he had had enough.

During that first day, the judge had seemed to be in favor of his parents and refused to see the evidence that had been laid out in front of him so we had understood how Jeno felt. And if I were honest, I was kind of glad that he had been loud about his feelings at least this time. It was bad to keep it all in, after all. We took him out for a walk the following morning which had been awfully quiet on his part while we tried our best to act as we usually did.

At last, later that day, Jeno began to speak a lot more again and told us countless of times how much he loved us.

After that day, every time there was a designated court date we would go for a walk in complete silence. It sort of became a routine that helped with releasing stress which frankly, at the end of the day, we all needed.

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