036 ≈ Plot Armor? We Only Know Shinazugawa's Ohagi

Start from the beginning

You and Kokushibo walked and you carefully noted that the number of people here also reduced since there weren't as many buildings. When you were approaching the end of the road, you spotted a building that stood slightly away from others, had no lights on, and looked just run down enough that it would be hard for people to live there, but not so run down that it could have been decades since someone set foot inside. Of course, you could never be sure, but your gut was telling you that going to that house would be a safer bet. You peeked through one of the windows and saw the inside was empty before gesturing for Kokushibo to come inside.

"She was in this building, but like I said, she hasn't been here for a while so it looks kinda bad now."

He didn't reply, only walking through the house. Every footstep made the entire house creak and you were silently hoping that there was nothing else in there so you could peacefully leave right after. The longer he was silent, the more you worried he'd find something that you wouldn't be able to explain away, and then boom, you were dead.

At long last, Kokushibo had walked through the entire house and hadn't said a thing. When he came out of the last room and started making his way back downstairs, you bit back a sigh of relief.

Now he just has to leave. He's already close to the city's edge. It's just a few blocks away, and then we're done.

You took a step forward and everything felt like it was going to go wrong. Your instincts were screaming for you to get out of the house.

Damn it, I jinxed it.

You spotted a window and leaped out just in time for the entire thing to explode into wooden splinters and dust. It was only the second story, so you smoothly rolled to a stop. Just before you got up, you felt something seize your body and force you down.

"Stay down!"

You widened your eyes as you saw multiple inhumanely large slashes pass over you and slice into the houses across the street. You heard crashes and screams and thuds and bangs and it still took two more seconds for that force on your body to relax. The second it did, you scrambled to your feet only to halt in place.

Despite all the panicked shrieks and cries of pain surrounding you, they were growing more muted by the second. You stared at Kokushibo, who had now transformed into his demon form. Six, blood-red eyes flickered from the light of the fire, golden pupils glowing as they pierced through you. You gulped as your racing heart thundered in your chest. His shadow stretched out to you like claws, dancing back and forth in the lamplight, inching closer and closer to you. No matter how much you wanted to put distance between the two of you, your legs were rooted to the spot.

"Slayer . . . how long did you think . . . you could lie . . . to me?"

You couldn't move. You were frozen under the pressure of his stare, of the bloodlust you felt prickling and crawling all over your skin. This was something beyond what you could handle, beyond what anyone could handle at this point in time.

I can't let him hurt anyone here. I have to do something . . . something . . .

What can I do? I'm not even a Pillar yet. I'm not the best person to do anything, but I'm the only one here, so I have to at least try.

"Tamayo has never been to this building. . . but your presence here tells me . . . that she is nearby. That is . . . enough. Your life is . . . forfeit."

Your arms shook as you tried to move them to the hilt of your swords.

Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic, dontpanicdontpanicdontpanic.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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