021| lifeline

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021| lifeline

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021| lifeline

『"I need you here. 
I can't, I can't do this alone."


It was night by the time Daryl drove up to the farmhouse. His engine roared up the driveway, and his heart thundered in this chest as he got closer and closer to the house. T-dog, held onto him on the back of the motorcycle, Daryl wasn't sure if the man was even conscious, but at the moment that was the least of his worries.

The drive had taken longer than expected, making anxiety wrench at his stomach. Multiple questions seemed to rack through his brain as he shut the engine off. The farm house looked quiet, and he looked for any sign of Sabrina and Frankie.

He found one on the porch steps. Drops of blood littered the ground, and his gut churned as he came to the realization as to where the blood came from. T-dog was next to him, sweating profusely. Daryl looked around, deciding on if he should knock or barge in and demand to know where exactly his girls were.

"Did you close the gate back when you drove in?" The girl who had taken Sabrina said. She sat on a rocking chair with her knees tucked up by her chest.

"Yea," Daryl said. "Latch and everything. Friend here's got a pretty bad cut, but I brought antibiotics. Where are they?"

"Your wife is sitting with Frankie," The woman said standing up. Daryl didn't correct the statement, there were bigger things at stake than caring about the assumption. Especially an assumption he wanted to pretend was real. Instead he just followed through the front door letting it slam shut behind him. "I'll take ya to her."

The redneck hardly had time to take in his surroundings, though he noted Carl sitting alone on the couch some book in his hands as tears stained his face. The poor kid had witnessed everything, sticking close by in case Frankie needed anything. Kid was stronger than anyone gave him credit for.

Shane on the other hand was noticeably missing.

Finally, after what felt like ages, he spotted Sabrina's hair, and her green eyes locked with his. Her mind obviously in a far off place. Rick was by her side and she clutched the sheriff's hand in a vice like grip. His gut twisted at the sight of her seeking Rick's comfort. It should've been him with her, not the sheriff. When she saw him standing in the doorframe, she dropped Rick's hand immediately choosing to ambush him by throwing herself in his arms. His worry melted away in an instant as his hands trailed up her back and held her close. Her eyes were swollen and puffy and bloodshot. She was in pain, and no matter how hard he'd try, that pain wouldn't be something he could get rid of. Still he held on tightly to the woman.

Then he noticed Frankie next to her. The twelve year old was so small in the bed. It seemed to swamp her, reminding him of the first time she'd upgraded from her crib to a toddler bed. How little she looked, how excited she was to have a big girl bed. Now though, Francine Rhodes looked dead.

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