Chapter 17: Amusement Park

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"Look at that couple, so cringe!" Daven pointed at a teen couple. "Ironic how you write romance novels but can't stand couples" I laughed. "Oh c'mon! Romance is a fantasy, that's why I write it." He said while eating candy floss.

We are at an amusement park because this 24 year old guy decided to behave like a 4 year old kid! While writing the novel, he randomly said that he wants to go to an amusement park. When I said no to him, he threw a fit, so I had to come along with him. Well, he can take some references from the couples in the amusement park.

"Let's ride the rollercoaster!" he insisted. I take a step back "I'll wait here". He tilted his head and looked at me "You're scared, aren't you?". I laughed nervously. I am totally scared. He smirked at me as he took my hands and dragged me towards the ride. "GODDAMN IT DAVEN!" I screamed when the ride started.

The rollercoaster was going up and down and I was getting more and more scared so I closed my eyes, though I could hear Daven shouting at me to open my eyes.

After the ride was done, I sat on a bench as it scared me to death. "Never again" I said while taking deep breaths. He just stood there laughing, making me glare at him.
"I'll get us some drinks" he moved towards the stall. I sat there sighing to myself when I saw two boys approaching me. "Wanna hang out with us?" one of them asked while the other checked me up and down. I slowly got up "No, thank you" as I slowly try to leave . One of them grabbed my wrist "What's the hurry?". I tried to get out of his hold but the other guy held my other hand. "Let me go" I spoke up, glaring at them. They didn't let go, instead they tightened the grip.

"Did you not hear her?" The guys turned around to see Daven holding drinks. "Let. Her. Go" his voice held such power but those guys was ready to pick a fight.

Daven's POV

I was getting back with the drinks when I saw two guys holding Hana's wrist. She tried to escape but they aren't letting her go. This whole situation made me angry.

"Did you not hear her?" they looked at me when they heard my voice. "Let. Her. Go" I stated. They didn't let her go, instead one of them stood in front of me and said "Or what?".

My concern wasn't the drinks anymore. It was Hana and these guys who were being rough with her.

Hana's POV

One of the guys went towards Daven and had the audacity to ask "Or what?". Within a second, I saw that guy almost flying towards us. I flinched when he fell with a thud. I looked back and saw Daven fuming with anger. He didn't waste any time before punching the other guy who was still holding my wrist.

I took a step back but Daven did not stop. He was beating the sh*t out of these guys.
"MOTHERF*CKER! HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR DIRTY HANDS ON HER?!" He punched them as he continued "IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER AGAIN, I'LL CHOP THOSE FINGERS INTO PIECES AND FEED THEM TO THE WILD DOGS!" he punched them one last time and came towards me "Are you okay?" He spoke softly showing his worry. "Yeah, I'm okay" I assured him.

The problem didn't end there. The security of the amusement park called the police on us. They handcuffed Daven and took him with them.

I rushed inside the police station to find Daven talking to the police officer "C'mon officer, you wouldn't arrest someone as cute and handsome as me, right?" He spoke in a very childish manner making me question, if what I witnessed at the amusement park was just a dream.

The officer sighed "I'll let you go with a warning. Next time you hit somebody, I'll arrest you." Hearing that, Daven smiled and realised my presence. He came up to me, "We are good to go!". He spoke as nothing had happened. I was still shocked. The duality of this guy is on another level.

We got out of the police station but we were blocked by reporters. How do they even know we were here? "Not in a mood for interview cuties. Next time!" he sent a flying kiss towards the female reporters as he walked towards my car. The reporters were dazed and I could see them blushing. I followed him and got into the driving seat. I looked at him unbelievably "How did you do that?". He looked at me innocently "Do what?" "That- Never mind" it was better to keep quiet. I looked at him one more time and saw him smirking at himself. I smiled a bit as well as I continued driving.

I got back home in the evening when my mother came rushing towards me "Are you okay?!". "Yeah? Why?" I asked confusedly. "You were on the news! They said that you and that new author got arrested" She said worriedly. I chuckled and explained the whole situation. She was still worried as those guys were hitting on me.

I went up to my room after calming her down. I got into the shower as I let the cold water fall on my body, slightly feeling better from all the stress I had today. I wiped my body and changed my clothes as I let my tired body fall on the bed. I took my phone and dialed Lily's number.

"Hey" she spoke with a sleepy voice.

"Were you sleeping?" I asked as it was morning in America.

"It's 6 in the morning, what do you expect?" she grumbled.

"Should I call later?" I asked

"Yeah, I'll call you, don't worry" she assured me and hung up the call.

Since I had nothing else to do and wasn't really in the mood to read, I decided to sleep but I couldn't. I took out my phone again and looked through the contacts when I realised that I don't have anyone to call or text. When I was in America, Lily always kept me company. I was so dependent on her that I didn't realise that I have no friends. Now that I left America and everything behind, I feel so lonely within these four walls.

I got up from my bed and went towards my desk. I started taking off every single picture of me and Alex together and put them inside a box. I put his other stuffs in the box too. I shoved the box under my bed because I knew that these stuffs won't let me move on but I don't want to completely erase him.

My eyes wandered around the room as it landed on the book 'You've reached Sam' by Dustin Thao. The craziest idea popped up on my mind. I took my phone and dialed Alex's number which I still remember. It rang a few times and the call went to voicemail "You've reached Alex. I'm probably busy so leave a message". I hung up feeling unsatisfied. Only if I could actually speak to him just like Julie could with Sam in the book. I felt a bit happy to be able to hear his voice again even if it was through voicemail.

I slapped the back of my head for being this stupid. I put on some music on my phone to help me fall asleep which actually worked.

Author's note:

Daven is such a cutie! He is really like a golden Retriever.

I've been mentioning a few books in the story as the characters of the story has their professions and hobbies related to books.

I post reels related to the story in insta @_author.misa_

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This chapter contains 1331 words.

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