Chapter 5: It's fair

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How have you been?” he asked with a slight smile “Good” I replied. He started a conversation with me.

I see you’ve become an Editor” he stated.

And you’ve become a famous writer as expected” I said.

There was an awkward silence between us which I decided to break as I ask “Why don’t you try writing something different?”How different?” he asked raising one eyebrow. “You write thriller, try writing romance.” He started laughing as he spoke sarcastically “Romance? You’re the last one I want to hear that word from”. I stayed silent when he said that because he isn’t wrong. I don’t know anything about romance and here I am asking him to write a romance novel, that’s ironic.

Alright, I’ll write a romance novel” He said taking all my attention towards him “But only at one condition” he added. “what condition?” I look at him waiting for an answer. “Enter a contractual relationship with me. It’ll only last till I complete the novel” he said in a serious tone while looking at me . Hearing that, my eyes grew wider as I spoke raising my voice a bit “Are you crazy?!”I was… to think you and I were meant to be” he stated. I look away and then back at him “Why me?”

You played me for 3 years, it’s fair isn’t it?” He spoke with a cold tone while maintaining eye contact.

That was in the past-”

So what?!” He cut me off and raised his voice making me flinch. He continued “It was a game to you but it was everything for me. I dreamt of us being married and have a family together” I could sense pain in his voice but I stayed silent to not make it worse. “I loved you Hana” he said as he sighed and looked out of the window.

This is what I was afraid of. I was afraid of this confrontation which I never knew would happen. A reason was all I needed but I never had one. There was no reason for me to cheat on him and on everyone I’ve ever dated.

I agree with the contractual relationship” I spoke as he turned his head towards me with a surprised look on his face, “what?” he asked. “You’re right. I played you and you deserve a chance to get revenge so I agree” I said. He looked at me for a few seconds and then he finally spoke “Okay then Ms. Sasaki Hana, I look forward to work with you”, he forwarded his hands towards me and I shook his hand to seal this deal “Me too”.

Why would you say yes to that?!” Lily said while following me around as I work, “I had no other choice” I replied. I told Lily about the contract right after I returned to the office. She is extremely angry with me right now for agreeing to the contract. “Do you know what you are getting yourself into Hana?” She stopped following me and stood there folding her hands. “Yes I do” I replied. “You’re unbelievable” she said with disappointment and left.

I didn’t expect Jay to ask me to enter a contractual relationship with him. I guess he deserves to play around as well after everything I did to him. Just like he said, “it’s fair”.

Author's note:

What did I get myself into? What am I writing? How did this happen? Is this revenge time?

Keep reading!!

This chapter contains 585 words.

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