#42: FATE?

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"raanjhe ishq vich hoye qurbaan, kinne mirze vi de gaye jaan. Yeh khel bada badnaam re jhuthe khwaab dekhawe"

 Yeh khel bada badnaam re jhuthe khwaab dekhawe"

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"Mumma how did you and papa fell in love?" I looked at her with curiosity in my eyes.

"I fell in love with him because he helped me once" she caressed my hair as she continued.

"I was getting bullied by two boys in our first year of college but he helped me out and I fell in love with him and we became friends and eventually got married" she smiled.


What does this word mean?

"Mumma what does love mean?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Love is something that makes you weak. Don't fall in love. It will ruin you. Completely" she smiled.

"But I do love you, papa, dhruv and dhruvika. Altho I don't like that dhruvika gets more attention than me but she's just a baby so I will let it pass" I pressed my lips together.

"How can you be this understanding and mature? Wow" she chuckled.

"Because I am your daughter mumma" I smiled as she pulled me into her embrace.


I hopped out of the car as the driver uncle opened the door for me. I thanked him and went inside the house. The gold medal shined around my neck as I happily made my way into the living room.

There was a maths olympiad in our school and I won. Like always. I excitedly ran inside to show mumma and papa this medal. I opened the door and called mumma but noone answered.

"Mumma?" I called out but still got no answer.

Is she not home?

We never had any helpers in the house because mumma said we should do our work on our own. Papa was the one who suggested having a driver for me even tho mumma was strictly against it but since both of them were busy, mumma hired a driver for me and dhruv.

"Mumma where are you?" I called out.

She took a few months off her work because of dhruvi so she was always home.

I sighed and walked in the kitchen to get a glass of water. I placed a stool near the kitchen shelf and climbed onto the top of it to reach the water filter. While drinking the water I heard a loud cry from mumma's room.

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