Feeding Frenzy

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Many Vampires are drinking and listening to music at Buckingham Lodge. Quinn has not been at the lodge for a few days. Quinn arrives at the Lodge at his usual evening time, walking into the main room, Quinn is pleased with himself and is smiling. As he looks around, he sees Rahvyn and Champagne, walking towards them, he sits joining the conversation.

Rahvyn asked, "Where have you been?"

Quinn just smiles at him and orders a drink.

Rahvyn expressed his opinion, "You seem pleased with yourself".

Champagne agrees, as he sips his whiskey and says "Come on tell us. Whom did you eat last night?"

Quinn Just smiles into his drink, glancing up at them when they ask him Questions. More friends arrive and join in the conversation about social society life and events. Quinn seems to be, avoiding Rahvyns questions. This seems to be annoying Rahvyn a fair bit.

Darius arrives with several people; He directs them to a private room walks over and whispers something to Rahvyn. He nods as he sips his whiskey, Darius seems to ignore Quinn's acknowledgement, as he returns to his guests.

Quinn is confused as to why Darius would ignore him, especially after their first love session. He recalls the events of the night and cannot think of any trouble caused. They parted on good terms, so he thought.

Quinn asks Rahvyn "Whom they are",

Rahvyn smiles, thinking this is his chance to get back at Quinn for ignoring his questions,

"Family friends" "Here to discuss mating requests and business opportunities".

Rahvyn knows that Quinn has feelings for his brother and is annoyed that he did not answer his questions. Decided to tease him. Quinn is now slightly worried about what the business entails, he also thinks about who is asking for mating with whom. Rahvyn notices Quinn has become agitated.

Rahvyn states: "You still crushing on my brother, even though he has avoided your attempts".

Quinn mumbles "Yeah" and drinks his whiskey.

Quinn wonders if he should tell Rahvyn about the other night's events. Quinn orders a bottle of whiskey; deep in thought, he continues to drink. Every time the private room door opens, Quinn looks up, trying to see what's going on within.

Darius comes out with a guest smiling, shaking their hand, and seeing them off. Quinn watches every step of the scene in front of him trying to catch Darius's eye. At one point he gets up to go to the room.

Rahvyn asks him; "Where are you going?"

Quinn motions to the room

Rahvyn states "Don't; business is business". "You don't want Father's wrath on you. You'll never get to see Darius then".

Quinn slumps into a chair, his jealousy is building more, He thinks to himself, you did not ignore me the other night why now? he tries to sense what Darius is feeling, all he can feel is a sense of happiness mixed with sadness. He pours another whiskey and sculls it, still trying to pick up feelings from Darius, his senses not giving correct responses due to the large amount of Whiskey he has consumed.

Quinn decides and states, "He cannot sit and watch this any longer", he motions to his friends, he is going out for some fun.

Rahvyn frowns and asks, "What do you mean?" Quinn, Quinn?

Quinn does not answer he just stands and leaves.

Several of the friends follow him, they head to the other side of London town, to the large park that resides on that far part of town. It's dimly lit and has lots of dark places to hide. Quinn heavily affected by the whiskey he has consumed, sits, and watches several people travelling along the dark path, in and out of the park grounds. Suddenly he stands and moves fast into the park, his friends follow him: wondering what is happening, they find Quinn, holding a young woman feeding on her in a frenzy, both covered in blood.

This is very unusual for him as he usually prefers young men to women. Suddenly he stops, the woman is lifeless and not struggling. He drops her to the ground. Quinn moves back into the darkness and begins to scan for another to attack. His friends try to distract him, as they drag her into the darkness out of sight. He just gets angrier and glares at them with deep red eyes, Quinn spots his next target, and he attacks biting, sucking frantically, as if he has not fed in a century, then he just releases her, dropping her to the ground. Quinn wipes his face licking his lips.

Quinn suddenly disappears into the darkness. His friends again hide the body, as they know this can bring problems for the clans, then they attempt to find Quinn, but he has not answered any of their calls into the night. One of the friends sends a message to Rahvyn, explaining what Quinn has done.

Rahvyn sends a messenger to contact Armond asking for help. Once Armond hears its Quinn, and what he has done, he immediately goes looking for him, worried as he knows Darius has a special place for him and attacking humans can cause trouble to come to the clans.

Armond finds Quinn after searching for him for about an hour, He is all over the place, unable to sit still, annoyed and agitated. Armond tries to calm him but realizes, he is affected by the alcohol and large amounts of blood he has consumed. His speech is incoherent, all Armond can make out is Darius's name and mating in the mumbles.

He instructs his team to take him back and to lock him up for the night, hopefully to sleep off the effects. Armond and his men collect the women's bodies, cleaning up the park mess, to protect the clan and all involved. He covers up what happened to the two young women by releasing another story about a serial murder.

Armond returns to the lodge and waits for Darius to finish his business. Darius hearing what has happened speaks to Rahvyn.

Darius asked, "What was said to him?"

Rahvyn smiling tells him that he said, "You were organizing mating and family business".

Rahvyn laughs, "Boy is he so jealous".

Darius sighs, and tells Rahvyn and Armond about the other night,

Rahvyns smile then turns to frown and he states, "No wonder he was so jealous, I was only stirring him". "I am sorry". "What do we do now."

Armond states he has cleaned up the park and has Quinn sleeping it off in a cell.

Armond tells Darius, I asked him "Why" "but all I could make out was your name and mating,"

both turn and look at Rahvyn. They hurry to the cell; Quinn is finally sleeping. Darius, Rahvyn and Armond are outside the cell, Armond telling him to let him be till morning.

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