Shadow smirked as she heard those words.
Aqualad and Artemis stood up, none the worse-for-wear from Deathstroke's bullet.

"Kaldur, you're..."

"Alive. Yes."



"WE NEED A PLAN" Nightwing muttered as he obsereved a Holoscreen with the Light's next phase in and she looked up at him from her spot on the roof The Light-we need to bust them, we know they're planning but it's not as simple we need to collect solid evidence to free the League members"

"What about your plan? To infiltrate them?"

"It's not that simple-" She shook her head "It is" He closed his screen and sat next to her, intrigued by what she came up with. "Your previous strategy was smart enough. Fool me once, fool me twice sort of thing" His brows furrowed as she gave him a smirk


THE TEAM STOOD IN THE WAREHOUSE AS EACH OF THE MEMBER GATHERED THERE FOR A DISCUSSION OF THE MAIN PLAN "Where's M'gann and Shadow?" Beast boy asked, looking around the room. Nightwing looked at the rest of the Team who waited in anticipation of his answer and he nodded "They're on with the first phase of the plan."

He looked back at the junior members and gave them the suits Shadow provided-he didn't ask how she had access "Suit up. You'll be off to Santa Prisca, an hour prior to the infiltration" He then turned to the rest of the Team "The rest of us will be on standby until the signal goes on" He then began to throughly explain the plans to each of them

Meanwhile, Shadow caught upto Deathstroke on his private plane along with Tigress. Deathstroke immediately pulled out his sword but Shadow stood still "It seems you have a death wish" She scoffed "I am not too worried, you're obsessive nature proves to be a liability" With that, she launched a dagger his way, but, he deflected it. A darkness enveloped his entire being and before he knew, he was completely unconscious as Tigress stared wide eyed "Aqualad's been briefed about the plan, I made it a personal mission to brief you"

Tigress stepped closer and Shadow pushed her in the seat "We still have an appearance to keep up, try to keep the love you so clearly have for me at bay and listen..."


"If you would...?"

Artemis let out a sigh "...and I always heard "The Great One" was such a gentleman."

"Impossible. Deathstroke killed you both.

"Just for a little while. After all, I wouldn't want to do any permanent damage..." Miss Martian shifted back and telekinetically floated a sword at Savage's neck "To my best friends. Not when a little misdirection and Hollywood special effects will do instead."

"For we value our true friends, and unlike you, we are not short on them." The trap was sprung: Superboy, Guardian and Bumblebee emerged from the Reach entrance, while Nightwing, Batgirl, and Kid Flash entered from the Light side of the cavern "Hey there, Vandy. You miss me?" Kid Flash smirked

"Well played. Well planned." Vandal congratulated But the Light always has contingencies. I've had my fill of your interference. Do not expect to survive. Kill them all." The Brain sealed off the cave exits, and opened the ceiling. Dozens of League of Shadows agents dropped into the room, surrounding the young heroes. "Superboy and Shadow may present a problem, but we'll deal with them when the other children lie bleeding on the ground."

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt