♡March 29, 2024♡

3 1 0

Still no response, but there's something pretty important that I want to talk about. I don't know when this will be brought up again, but it's quite important and will definitely affect this journal during the early high school period.

So, C is a football guy and played for our team this year. He plans on playing again for the high school's team next year, with football season being in the first quarter in August, September, and October.

Now, during this year's season, there were two guys on the team that I'll call Fellow and Bloom. These boys f!ņgėrėd C in the locker room, separately, but I believe both of them did it multiple times. Well, I know Bloom did it multiple times. This was a very, very complicated situation back when it was happening. C enjoyed it, but it went a little further than that.

Bloom is a guy on our team who we both see every day. He's in two of my classes and was in a class with C at the time. During this, C said he was acting really sübm!ssive and lovey-dovey around him outside of the football fingerblasting. For example, he would touch his skin and tell him how soft it was in STEM. Whether or not Bloom actually had feelings for him, the things he was doing made C catch some mild feelings. It was very brief, but there was a period where he wasn't sure if he had a crush on Bloom.

None of this ever went anywhere, however. Partially because of how football season is only one quarter, but also because of the fact that C developed a separate massive crush on a girl during it.

So, why is any of this relevant? Well, this situation had a massive build-up that just never went anywhere. It was really underwhelming, but the following crush sort of made up for that. I really wanted this to go somewhere serious, as in a legit crush. The following crush is the only serious crush he's had since this, with a lot of very brief "I think she's kind of cute" moments in the middle. C's crush on Ruby might end up going somewhere, but aside from that he hasn't had a serious crush since November.

With the end of the school year approaching, I really want to know if Bloom is doing football again. There's a chance he won't be, since his main thing is wrestling now. I'm bringing this up because I want to ask him directly if he'll be playing again. If he is, then I want to see if things continue from the cliffhanger they left off on. Key word here being if. I'll be able to tell where it's headed early on and there's 3 ways this can go if the fingerblasting from Bloom happens again.

1. The fingerblasting doesn't excite C like it used to (or at least not to the degree where he'd almost develop feelings again)

2. The same thing happens where C almost develops feelings but doesn't

3. C actually develops serious feelings for Bloom

The aim here is resolving that building tension, regardless of if C catching feelings or not. If he doesn't enjoy it anymore, that's still good because it resolves that tension. If he does, that's good too because it still resolves that tension.

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