♡February 8, 2024♡

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Lovesong of the Day:

Hug Me by IN (Stray Kids)

I AM SO HAPPY OH MY GOD!!! So I was on Snapchat today and realized that B had out up one of those form things. I sent in "who're you taking to the dance?" He then said J. Now I didn't see this for a bit because I was busy taking pictures of myself, but K did. She sent me a bunch of texts freaking out asking me it they're dating. Even though they're both my best friends, I didn't know anything about that.

So, I sent J a text asking if they were together. She said that yes, they were and made it official on Monday. Now I know that the situationship B had with "someone" was with J and that they're both ready for a relationship now. I'm so excited to see what the future entails for this couple. In the past, every instance of two of my friends getting together didn't end well and I hope this breaks that pattern.

There was another situation that technically happened yesterday but I thought I'd wait to bring it up now. I'm friends with these two 7th graders in my 9th period, Eepy and Doll. At some point, the two of them liked each other but didn't date because Doll wasn't ready for a relationship. Now, she realized she still likes him but doesn't know if he still likes her. She doesn't know how to find that out and neither do I.

Also, D SENT FLOWERS TO GLASS. It was part of a school function and he'll get them on Valentines Day. Speaking of which, there was a newspaper meeting today because of the dance tomorrow and he was actually there. We didn't talk at all though.

Can't wait for the dance tomorrow!!!

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