♡January 30, 2024♡

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Lovesong of the Day:

Obsessed by Ayumu Imazu

One big thing happened today and one big thing happened yesterday that I've been waiting to talk about until now.

So, starting with yesterday, Ho likes a boy. This boy is one or their close friends, only a year apart in age, and is into them too. They even showed me some spicy texts he sent. It was interesting to say the least and definitely not something you'd send to a "friend." I talked to Ho about it and they're going to try and ask him out on Valentines Day, meaning there's yet another Valentines event to look forward to for me.

Now for the juicier one. So, do you guys remember B and how I thought he liked me? Well come to find out either that was wrong or if he did like me, he doesn't anymore. We were talking during rehearsal today and he brought up the outfit he was wearing to the upcoming 8th grade dance. He jokingly told me that he was "dressing to impress" (he's showing up as Adam Sandler) and I rhetorically asked him if he was serious. He then told me that yes, he was joking and that his crush already liked him back. He didn't tell me who and didn't give any details as to who he/she/they was, but he told me that they aren't dating because his crush isn't emotionally stable.

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