♡March 11, 2024♡

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Somewhat of an important day with another refreshing conversation. The choir teacher was absent today so we had study hall in the auditorium. Instead of doing work, me, K, a girl I'll call Witch, and a boy I'll call P all decided to have one big conversation together. For some reason, me and K brought up B and how he's straight now. K showed suspicion at that fact and P replied to that with the f-slur. We were all pretty confused and asked him if he could say it. He said yes because he's bisexual.

That prompted all 4 of us to start talking about how we got where we are in terms of sexual orientation. In my case, it took years of faking crushes, a sexuality crisis in which I thought I liked 3 of my best friends, and cycling through quite a bit of different sexualities to get where I am now. With K, she cycled through a bunch of different sexualties as well, but with less of a crisis aspect. Witch had a short journey that I don't know too much about and P went from gay to bi to straight to bi, being aroace somewhere in the middle.

Just like Friday, this was a refreshing conversation  that I wish to have more of in the future.

Hypegirl 101 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora