♡March 19, 2024♡

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Today was pretty much a continuation of yesterday, except I actually talked to P directly. Also forgot to mention yesterday, but I told K and The Treasurer that P has a crush on me.

We had rehearsal again today, the last one before spring break, and I decided to slip P a note. This was toward the end however, so before that I made sure to socialize with him. Not about him liking me, but just generally.

After that, I went up to him and told him I had the "secret of life" in this note, but he should wait to open it until he gets home. In the note, I made two things very clear. Firstly, I don't hate him because of feelings he can't control. Secondly, I want to help him through this sexuality crisis he's dealing with. I gave him my number and told him to text/call if he wants to talk to me. He hasn't texted/called me yet, which has me thinking he got nervous and didn't read the note.

Also, another potential new crush for C. He was talking to me about how he saw the cutest girl he'd ever seen in the hallway today. He didn't know who she was, but he knew what team she was on and thought she was in newspaper. I'm pretty sure he also said she was blonde. At first, I thought it was a certain girl I have yet to mention, but it turned out to not be her since he said no when I sent a picture of her. He then told me that the girl was walking with a brunette that he knew was in newspaper and I was able to confirm her identity with a picture.

The brunette is a friend of mine, who I mentioned as the no-name I sat with on the bus during the big field trip 2 months ago. After I found out who the brunette was, I needed to also figure out who the blonde was. I knew the brunette was very close with a girl I'll call Ruby. Ruby is in newspaper and is also a friend of mine. So, I sent C her TikTok account and he confirmed that the "cute girl" was in fact her. However, I was under the impression that she had a boyfriend. That was a misunderstanding apparently and they broke up a week ago according to D.

Honestly, I don't know if this is going to end up being a genuine crush. C told me a while back that he's somewhat stopped crushing entirely, only briefly finding people attractive for a few days before getting over it. That seems to be the case with Seoul and might end up being the case with Ruby too.

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