♡February 18, 2024♡

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Lovesong of the Day:

Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREASURER!! Nothing for today but I thought I'd lay down a lesson on communication. A running theme lately has been people not communicating when they need to so I want to talk about communication more in depth.

To communicate means to let your partner know what to do or how you feel. This is very important because it leads to healthy relationships with established boundaries, compassionate partners,

nd overall longer relationships.

One reason commonly cited for not communicating when necessary is out of fear. A lot of people are worried that their partner will be angry with them if they talk about changing something they don't like. This applies to friendships as well but in this context it's in a romantic relationship. My opinion is that a partner who genuinely loves you wouldn't get upset with you if something they did was bothering you.

Boundaries are a clear benefit of proper communication. Telling your partner how you feel and examining why you feel that way together allows you to set boundaries that satisfy both you and your partner. Again, very important.

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