♡April 20, 2024♡

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Shows 2 & 3 were tonight!! A lot happened tonight pertaining to Britney's best friend, who'll be referred to as Bunny from now on. K, D, and I were all in the car together talking about an argument between P and B. This argument is important to understand where Bunny comes into the equation, so I'll talk a little bit about it.

P was in a pile with his "3 girlfriends" and they were all practically top of each other. This made B upset and he dragged P away. They then started getting aggressive and eventually ended up in a room alone together. We were freaking out, thinking things were about to get physical, but luckily that wasn't the case. According to K, B didn't even say anything negative to P in there.

But back to Bunny. K, D, and I have all noticed how affectionate Bunny is with P. D brought it up in the car and we all agreed that something seemed a little off. Bunny recently broke up with their boyfriend, something I thought was important to bring up that also made them look even more suspicious. We came up with a plan to get to the bottom of it. Nothing too schemey, but it would help us understand the situation better. I was supposed to ask Bunny if they liked P, K was supposed to ask P if he was comfortable with Bunny's overt affection, and D was supposed to ask Marianne if she was comfortable with someone being so physically close with her boyfriend.

Shortly after this, D and I got out of the car and we were home. Once we got there, I charged my phone and got to work. Even though they aren't my friend, I have contact with Bunny outside of school. I messaged them and directly asked if they like P. They responsed surprisingly quickly with a "Maybe maybe not just promise me you won't say anything."

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