♡January 3, 2024♡

10 1 0

Lovesong of the Day:

He Will Follow You With His Eyes by Corinne Bailey Rae

Another lesson day, although school starts tomorrow so that'll most definitely be changing soon. This one is a rehashing of one I gave in Matchermaker 101, but with more details this time. I present to you my gaydar.

A lot of you, I bet, already know what a gaydar is. Especially if you're in online queer spaces, you'll be at least somewhat familiar with the term. But for those who don't know, having a gaydar means that you sense queerness in someone. It isn't necessarily assuming one's sexuality though.

In my case, my gaydar forms through a combination of my own intuition and prior knowledge about the person. If I already "know" that someone is queer (through either a distant or somewhat unreliable source), then my gaydar will be more effective than if it's intuition only. This was the case with both C and M from the last journal. With M, I never discussed her sexuality, but my gaydar was going off with her and she did later come out to me. It's a whole lot more complicated with C. He was queer both before and after my journaling, but not during it. My knowledge that he was pansexual was not only from a distant (in terms of time) source, but was also incorrect. However, my gaydar went off with him too and he's queer at the moment, although not pansexual specifically.

I've also found that my gaydar functions more effectively when focusing on multiple people instead of just one. Take C x O from Matchmaker as an example. I got the knowledge that both of them were queer from distant sources, meaning O may not even be queer at all, but that combined with my intuition made my gaydar go off the rails. That's why I shipped them back then in the first place, it was me misinterpreting my own gaydar the whole time. Regardless of whether or not that gaydar was correct, which I know now that it was at least half right, it went off anyway.

The gaydar is also more effective when on people who're in queer groups. For example, part of why my gaydar went off with M is because she was one of the few "straight" people in our group, which is known for being quite queer.

Most of the time, my gaydar is right on the money. I'm not too sure why that is, but I'd guess that it's because of how many queer friends I already have. In fact, of my best friends, I can only think of 3 that are straight. Of those, 2 were queer when I met them but are straight now. For years, I've been described as an "lgbtq magnet" of sorts. I think that kind of magnetism gives me the effective gaydar that I currently possess.

With my shipping and assuming of people's sexualities gone, I'm not too sure if or how my gaydar will ever be important this time around. However, I'm thinking it may show up in a clever or unexpected way. I won't be surprised if this never gets brought up again, but if it does you can't say I didn't warn you.

By the way, this journal is in the top 10 of 3 different tags!!! It's #1 in lovecore, #2 in tokki, and #7 in hypeboy!!!

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