♡January 27, 2024♡

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Lovesong of the Day:

I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend by Girl In Red

I forgot to mention that sometimes big days, in terms of general events, have their entries released the day after. Today, I had a choir competition, so that's why the entry is late.

But today was HUGE for the journal for two reasons. Firstly, do you guys remember Alexander Hamilton from Matchmaker? Well, she has a crush on a girl I'll call Huskey. E is their ultimate wingman and through her, AH found out that Huskey reciprocates her feelings. She's going to ASK HER OUT ON VALENTINES DAY. You want to know what's also happening on that day? An ode to them is being released.

For context, I'm a musician and I also love choir. Since I found out all of this at a choir competition where I was performing a very classical-adjacent song, I got so much inspiration and decided to compose a classical-adjacent ode to their relationship. It has lyrics in both English and Latin, I can't wait to keep updating you guys on this song.

Secondly, today is the one-year anniversary of when I started shipping C x M. I want to go in detail about some aspects of the ship and certain moments I didn't talk about in Matchmaker.

When I say this is the anniversary, I mean it's the anniversary of me shipping them. K was actually shipping them over a month prior. We had this moment where we were all selling candy grams and C and M were bickering. That was in December, 2022 and she started shipping them then.

Another moment I didn't mention was from the field trip a year ago. One of our sessions was in a chapel and K, C, M, and I were all running from it after the session. While K and I managed to get inside very quickly, M didn't and fell behind. C stood by the door and waited for her. K and I were watching this in awe inside. After she got to the door, they stayed and talked for about a minute.  We were freaking out and absolutely losing our minds.

Finally, the ship was apparently a far-stretching inside joke among some people. A lot of C's friends directly joked about them being a thing. So, we weren't alone in our shipping which I'm honestly not surprised by.

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