"What happened?" I asked gently as I waited for him to continue.

"One day I ended up in a forest. It was so beautiful and peaceful that I stayed there for hours. My heart was in so much pain that I wanted to give it a break. A permanent break. I had a rope with me and I tied it to one of the trees. I climbed up and stood on a branch that would support my weight than tied the end of the rope around my neck. At that moment I really thought it was my last breath. But when I heard a little girl running in my direction I stopped and waited for her to pass. Looking down, a girl around four years old stopped right next to the tree I was on and hid behind it. Than a lady, who I presumed was her mom came after her and grabbed her in her arms sending her into a fit of laughter.

Neither of them could have imagined what was going on right above there heads until the mom looked up and saw me with the rope. She immediately put the little girl down and calmly tried to get me to come down. Thankfully I listened and took the rope off my neck and went down. When I reached the bottom she ran towards me and took me into her arms mumbling that everything was ok. A stranger was hugging me and at that moment I couldn't hold in the tears that dropped  like a waterfall. She didn't even know me and she took me into her home Luke. She took care of me. Helped me move on and see that not everything to life was as painful as I thought. That not every person was full of hate. And now look at me. I'm so much better." He finished and I was stunned at hearing the entire story.

"So why did you come back?" I asked him since he seemed to be living so well. I had probably banished into the back of his mind and he wouldn't need me anymore which saddened me after all the pain I had gone through from losing him.

"Because I missed you. I've been going insane at not seeing your face for so long and I wanted to visit." He said leaning in to kiss me until I realized what he said.

"Wait, visit?" I asked worried at losing him again. A guilty expression crossed his face and he nodded.

"Yes Luke. I finally found a home that I can stay at. But I'll come from time to time. I promise." He said and I stood up angry at him for being so heartless.

"Plus I needed your help." He added with another guilty look setting more fire to my anger sensing he only came here for my help and not for me.

"What help? Haven't I helped you enough and you just end up leaving me in the end." I spat out.

"Luke please just listen to me." He said taking my hand in his and I melted into his soft touch. I stared deeply into his eyes and let the tension fade away. He didn't deserve my anger, after all he did fine a place to stay where he was not mistreated.

"Fine what is it?" I said hoping I wouldn't regret asking.

"The woman who took me in. She lives with her daughter in a house by the forest and I have a feeling that we've been being watched for some time now. I can't shake the feeling away and I think it might be my step mom. She wants to kill her Luke. I know she does because of how much she has helped me. That lady is like a mother to me and I need to protect her. Please Luke, I really need your help." He finished and the look of desperation he had on his face made me shatter. Even if he was leaving me and even if that woman was a stranger, she still offered Andy the love he never had and saved his life. I owe her that much.

"Ok first things first, we need to tell my dad." I told Andy but he looked unsure. 

"It's alright. Since you left he's actually changed a lot." I said and than he nodded for us to go tell him. We headed inside and bumped against mom along the way.

"Andy? Your back." She stated taking him into a warming hug. She pulled back and told him to come in and have dinner with us. He agreed and I couldn't help but enjoy Andy's company for as long as it would last.

Unwanted (BoyxBoy) ~Completed~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن