Chapter Seventy Four: Traitor

Start from the beginning

Sebastian pretended to think for a moment before comically replying, "Considering I plan to murder you tonight and your precious leader in a few days... No. Not particularly. As for daring to harm her, you'll suffer for the empty threat alone. If I thought you could possibly lay a finger on her, she'd already be gone."

"Arrogance will be your downfall." Pergit reflected with his lip curling up in a snarl.

In front of her, Sebastian scoffed quietly and aimed his wand. "And threatening her will be yours. Now are you going to stand there all day or do something, you ol' git?"

While they'd been trading insults back and forth, Gracie had an idea. With the satchel next to her, she'd quietly slipped the sword out. Pergit or whoever this goblin was certainly wouldn't be able to hand four highly trained wizards. He'd rely on his ancient magic that was imbued in his goblin metal suit of armor.

True to form, Pergit unleashed a beam of corrupted ancient magic in Sebastian's direction. She couldn't push him aside, but she lept forward, crashing into his back, and thrusted the sword in a diagonal arc in front of him. The magic refracted off the blade like sunlight bouncing off a mirror.

It shot back to Pergit with the same ferocity he showed them. Sebastian's arm came down, trapping the sword against his chest as he slid his foot back and took the physical force of the cast with his body. He didn't show any signs of pain, but Gracie knew it had likely knocked the wind out of him in surprise.

The goblin didn't even have time to scream as he was reduced to ashes. Pergit might as well have been a synonym for pungent because all they could smell now was burnt skin and hair. To say it wasn't pleasant was an understatement.

Garreth was still choking on his blood. Sebastian pulled the sword from her grasp and walked towards him with a benevolent expression on his face.

He uttered the words to a healing spell, though there was little chance of him being saved. It would stop the bleeding, but he wouldn't live for even fifteen minutes more. So why was he bothering at all?

At least allow him to die quickly.

They all watched as he squatted down, placing the tip of the sword against Garreth's shoulder, and scraped it lightly. Her breath caught, realizing what he was doing.

"Traitors deserve a traitor's death, no?" Sebastian toyed with the edge of the blade against his skin. A few beads of blood swelled on Garreth's shoulder and turned black almost immediately, "How interesting." His voice lowered half an octave, rumbling in his chest. "Gryffindors are known for having a monopoly on bravery. You'll need that for where you're going. Enjoy the ninth circle, old friend."

Garreth started trembling and she looked back to see that Dinah had a tear streaming down her cheek before she hastily wiped it away. Sebastian noticed it when he turned around, but he didn't care. He glanced between Gracie and Ominis, his eyes doing a quick assessment to ensure they were both unharmed.

Ominis' eyebrows furrowed while the other wizard died in misery, "If Pergit knew of this place, then it's not safe. We need to leave. I'll go with Dinah and send you an owl in a day or two. Lie low."

Sebastian nodded, "The cabin then."

"The cabin." Ominis reaffirmed, holding his own hand out for Dinah.

Once they were gone, Sebastian packed the sword into the satchel, and casted one last look around the house. His emotions were at war with each other and she wondered what he was thinking. She didn't have a chance to ask as voices could be heard in the distance along with shouting.

It was as if a riot was on its way here. Maybe one was.

An irritated noise escaped Sebastian as he casted a strong fire spell on the documents they'd recovered from Rookwood and he slid his arm around her lower back. Gracie put her hand on his chest and the plunging sensation brought them to a dark room.

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