chapter 24.

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Gronko - a damn hot country

Amari's view

Hot winds and sandy plains will probably be with us for a while now that we're at the border town between Centra and Gronko.

It's been about a jade week since I set off with Zoe to find the other Chosen Ones. Now we've already betrayed Aeros, left Aquatas in ruins and shown a few peaceful beings the truth. And there are probably several assassins after us to steal our heads.

Very comforting.

But we do our best, fighting evil is our destiny! Hopefully we'll manage it all...
I looked around, the arena is at least a few hundred meters ahead of us, if we manage this fight, then we get to explore Gronko, the land of the south!

If I had to rate all the lands I've been to, I'd say Aquatas looks the best, Centra is a free and great place to live and Aeros is diverse and down to earth.

Terran and Gronko are new to me, but you've heard a lot about them.
For example, that the people of Gronko have a very strong belief in their land, they are very proud and usually settle their disputes in a rather pragmatic way.

Of course, there are many of them who overdo it, but I think it's good that they usually put respect before everything else. Accepting kindness and behaving politely is also the order of the day in Gronko, as I read in one of the travel journals by the adventurer Mylaó Nidanto.

Maybe it would be good to talk to the group before we start the fight.

"Okay, who can give me some information about Gronko?" Zoe asked and Menko meowed. The wooden doors of the arena were clearly visible, as was a long line of Jaidyliners waiting, we got in line and hoped it wouldn't take too long.

"Gronko is divided into three large areas, the fire desert Isýni, the large mountain range Viarmort and the volcanic plain Adramon with the volcano Gewok.

To get to the capital Ignor, we have to conquer Isýni and Viarmort, as these are the two main focal points of our journey.

Most of the beings that would be eligible for the Chosen are in the big cities, they offer young and promising Jaidyliners various job opportunities and a chance to develop!" Menko meowed and I had to tilt my head, since when do the cities offer everyone a job opportunity?

Wait, I need to correct that.

"Well, unless you're a Rogir or, in their eyes, an "inferior" being.

They don't have it so easy there, many work in dangerous mines and don't earn much. And job opportunities are either soldier, warrior, blacksmith or, in rare cases, farmer.

There have been clear upturns in employment in recent years, but Gronko is a linear country." Menko nodded slightly and scratched behind her head with her paw.

"Sorry, I forgot about that part.

Yes, in Gronko the standard of living isn't that great for many, though the land is swimming in an abundance of ores and rare minerals." Sully snorted in annoyance to draw attention to himself, the guy hasn't said anything all this time and now at Gronko he wants to give his opinion?

What a cranky kid!

We all know he doesn't find the country particularly interesting, but to have a "tantrum" like that now is really childish. I gave him an annoyed look and secretly hoped that he would say something clever after all.

"Gronko, the country is full of stupid stuck-up snobs and brainwashed war mongers! They're all full of shit and have no sense of humor, plus they're all bastards in the army with a stick up their asses, they all want to kill themselves!" Zoe looked in shocked, Menko put her ears back and closed her eyes in disappointment and I had to shake my head.

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