chapter 14.

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The deadline

?????'s view

A disgusting smell hit my nose as I entered the dark room, clouding my senses. A muscular Zhonéa guard pushed me forward, he looked really ugly with all his shitty scars. Other guards with various injuries such as severed body parts, missing eyes or wounds either came out from behind me or were already standing in this damn room.

They always have to be really dramatic with their appearance, or rather "he" always has to be the worst drama queen. Just because I forgot to pay stuff off, what an asshole! They'll get me anyway, no matter which hole I crawl into, it doesn't even help to "run away".

A light blinded me and I was ordered to sit down, a chair turned around and a green Zhonéa looked at me, I knew him well. Too well.

"Heyy Ronán! Long time no see, old house? What do you want this time, my left leg, an eye or me completely, huh?" I started to speak, while I bared my teeth, maybe he'll get a little scared.

Heh, with whom am I kidding, the guy in front of me is the mafia in Aquatas himself, if I get too bold, my head is next on the wall back there. Pretty disgusting, that's why it stinks here!

"Mayfield, your time is on the line here, you'd better not joke or you'll regret it. After all, they say he who laughs last, laughs best." The green fish guy looked at me seriously and cracked his knuckles. He had developed wrinkles over the years and many had formed under the right side of his burnt face. I plopped down on the awkward chair, if I'm here for a while, I'm going to make myself comfortable!

"I guess it's me then, you have to understand me, my group has become quite popular over the years. The mafia has rather fallen into a deep hole, don't you think? You guys are fucked without my help..."

He lurched forward and grabbed my face, it hurt slightly, he had strength in his hands. If I moved now, the guards would send me to my grave.

"Don't open your mouth so wide, Mayfield! Remember where you came from and who made you so good in the first place, little brat. Besides, you're in big trouble my good mate..."

He lit a cigarette and blew the smoke in my face, then he let go of me and I leaned back in the chair again.

Slowly I became skeptical, was it such a large sum that I owed the bastard or was he playing mind games with me, to be honest I'm not really into that. I haven't come into contact with the head of the mafia in person for a long time, so it was quite surprising that he would bring me here now, right in front of our big planned shoplifting. The smart ass.

" Go on, I've got all the time in the world for my dearest boss!" I rolled my eyes sarcastically and crossed my arms. He took an annoyed drag on his cigarette and cleared his throat loudly.

A little Cap Diver who was terrified of either Ronán or me emerged and laid a file on the table. I hope he was scared of me. The odds are 50/50, at least something.

"I came across a couple of documents a few months ago. Unpaid warnings, fines that no one has ever seen and a complaint from an anonymous person in our circles. The last one is very important for you, but the other things are also worth mentioning. Would you please explain that to me?" Doubtingly, I took the file he pushed towards me.
My name, place of birth, nationality, race and so on were on many documents, plus various criminal offenses. There were far too few, ten at most. They must have forgotten over 10,000... How do they even know all my information?

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