chapter 10.

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The rescue and the familiarization game

???'s view

What's going on here?

I hear screaming in the distance and I can't do anything. All the fog is blocking my view and I don't know where I am.

Not good at all!

But after a while, all the fog has gone away and the sky is cloudy normally, as always. Then a thought popped into my head.

The two jade people! They might be the ones who were yelling around!

I ran, if I can save anyone, it might be them! The wind was in my way and I looked around in a panic. The stupid thing was that almost everywhere around here looked the same. With each minute I became more anxious, what happened here?!

Suddenly I saw a person lying on the ground in the distance. Oh my Dareira!

Breathing heavily, I ran over and saw a girl unconscious with big fuzzy hair and strange clothes.

Very strange clothes.

Next to her was a puddle full of black mass and blood. I paused and looked at it more closely. Yes, no doubt about it, these were the remains of a sýndma, a sinner.

Was it the girl? Did she kill the sinner?

And why is she lying on the wet floor, isn't she afraid that she will get sick?

And besides, she could spread the syndrome! With doubt I looked at her more closely. Just one look...

When I pushed the hair away from her, I let out a horrified breath...

Those were not elf ears, or orc ears, those were human ears.

How does a human being get here? 

But wait a minute, didn't Grandma mean that she had helped the Saji a few days ago? She laughed afterwards and said that she had blushed completely at the sight of Grandma. Interesting...

Is she the one everyone is talking about?

The great heroine who is supposed to protect us from Arkomak? For being so important, she sleeps very peacefully in a dangerous area.

I touched her neck and noticed a very faint pulse of her jadeston-....Uhh heart was the name of the humans, I think?

Anyway, I noticed a faint pulse and I panicked. What's wrong with her?

I felt her breath with two fingers and it was weak. Quite weak.Now I was horrified. What am I going to do, I can't let the saji die! 

My hometown is about 10 minutes away. Besides, she doesn't look very heavy and I can carry well.

Well, I guess I'll help the Saji now, maybe a bonus will come out of it for me. 

I took off my cloak and piggybacked the Saji, over it I put the cloak and was ready to go. I took one last look at the puddle, I guess I'll have to ask her later. I was a bit mistaken, she was quite heavy, but I can do it.

I tried to put her arms around my neck so I could carry her properly, but she just would not. It started to rain after five minutes of running and I ran home.It was hard, but I made it. The town of Nox is bigger than all the other villages, even bigger than Teuton, or so I always tell myself.They're all lying anyway.It is unique, the first city in all of Jaidylen that has a functional defense system against any proditors.With dark stones and black oak roofs rise huge houses that resemble towers. At night it shines in the most beautiful lights for our eyes, but for the proditor eyes it is horrible and scares them. It is truly a norionic city! The cobbled street shimmered through the rainwater while Aliandras and Umdrya walked past me, giving me funny looks."Hey, what have you got there?"A tall Aliandra stopped me and put his hand on the saji. Honestly, I don't want to cause panic when it comes out that the Saji has finally arrived after five years. Soooo... White lie 1, 2, 3...."Ahh I protected my big and very heavy backpack from the existing rain yess..." I disguised my voice to sound deeper, grandma said lying works better that way. "Oh yeah, but isn't the cape expensive, I mean it's velvet!", He was very skeptical, the brain eater! Why can't he just leave me alone, the Saji is still hypothermic! So I guess I have to play my extremely familiar family name!

The door to Jaidylen (Eng. Version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin