chapter 2.

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Arrival in Jaidylen's forest

☆Zoe's view ☆

The wind rushes past my ears and I can't open my eyes.

I'm slowly but surely falling to my death. 


While I started to scream like a chimpanzee, I noticed a movement at my hand, fur!

"Menko!!!Is that you? Are we going to die?!"

My voice broke off several times and I tried to move but it was impossible.

"If you keep moving and fidgeting, you're really going to die! So stop and wait until we get to the jade floor." Menko also seemed to need a lot of energy to say those words.

I don't like waiting! Why does it actually take so long to fly and then painfully land on the ground? We should have been slamming into the ground and be dead as a doornail for 5 minutes.

But my extremely justified thoughts were interrupted when an invisible force stopped Menko and me from falling further to our death. As if we were lying on a stretched net, we floated in the air and I allowed myself to open my eyes.

But what I saw was so terrible that I wanted to close my eyes quickly and forget everything here. In fact, my face was directly to the floor just a few feet above. If the net had been just a few seconds slower, I would have smashed my face in pretty good. Trees were everywhere and branches and sticks poked me and tore my clothes a bit.

All right, Zoe. 

You need to calm down and open your eyes, this is important. You have an important mission and you woke up in an important world. And almost died.

Looking to my right, I noticed Menko's head and her body. But now she was smaller again in the form of a real house cat. She sat up, looked around until she found me, and gawked at me expectantly.

"And Zoe? What did you think of my catch net?"

"You could have killed us if you waited longer. Besides that, it's a little sticky."

I sat up and tried to get my hands off the net, which worked rather less. 

"Well don't grumble, it worked!" Offended, Menko closed her eyes, muttered a few sentences, and the net randomly disappeared.

This was not good. 

"Aahhh!" My scream echoed from the woods."

Whew... heh..."just like my coming up.

"What's that all about? Maybe a heads up?!" I hissed, rubbing my butt. We both stood up and I looked at the surroundings and....

It was breathtaking. 

A forest full of orange, yellow and red trees. The leaves seemed to change color and fly in all directions at once. There were wooden sculptures, stone monuments and small houses in the treetops. 

''That must be where Tinkerbell and her friends live'', I thought to myself and giggled.

A shimmering white river meandered around the strange trees, which had the same markings as birch trees. But only stranger, they were like runes carved into the trees. Even the grass was not normal, but bent as soon as one was no longer standing on it.

The door to Jaidylen (Eng. Version)Where stories live. Discover now