chapter 12.

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"The smiling ones "

Zoe's view

Teleportation really sucks...

It feels like someone punching you in the stomach a hundred times and then cutting your head open. Then they give you fifty hard drugs and you hope for a miracle...

It was hard to open my eyes again and I noticed the warm wind rushing past me. Consumed voices and sounds rushed around my ears and I tasted... strangely enough, colors.

When will it stop?

Have I done everything right?

I don't want to show up at the other part of Jaidylen and maybe face Arkomak. Speaking of Arkomak, I'm terrified of that guy.

When I saw him that time, a few hours ago, I had realized that he wasn't... normal. Not normal of course, I mean, he made someone explode and killed millions of living beings. But he didn't feel like the other "mythical creatures". His presence was fear-filled and tearing, how he spoke and how he carried himself was different. Even his face wasn't... his. It sounds weird, but it felt that way.

Why? I don't know if I can even pull this off, he is an extra-dimensional being after all. Why am I doing this?

Am I being forced? No, I'm far too deep in this world now, I can't get out now. 

A loud noise pulled me out of this "vortex" and my body fell to the ground. Hard but also soft... Quite a musty smell... Like in Aeros... Are we back in Aeros?!

When I opened my eyes, I saw fields. Blue trees. Tall grasses. Coral-like plants. Three cat's eyes..."Zoe? Are you okay?", A meow brought me back to the here and now. I scrambled to my feet and Menko jumped at me.

"Ah thank Dareira, you're here! We've made it! Amari brought us here!" I looked around and saw Amari sleeping on a mat next to many trees that looked strange. Long with blue leaves.

"Where are we? Is this Aquatas?", I stood up and looked around. Green and blue merged before my eyes and a large path with many Jaidyliners walking towards a gate was a few hundred meters ahead. It looked as if there was a wall separating the blue meadows from Aquatas. A transparent wall that is at the same time opaque. Strange, but also interesting, was that it was quite far in the distance, maybe over 30 km or so. 

"What about Amari?" Nervously I ran to her, she was sound asleep. "Amari has used up her Norion too much and needs to rest. If she had used it up too much, she could seriously injure herself." Menko slowly walked to her and placed a few leaves on her stomach.

"Okay, but we have to keep going! If we slow down now, some assassins or something might catch up with us!" Menko thought and looked at the other Jaidyliners.

"Maybe... can we... put ourselves in a rakshi again? It worked well last time too!" She smiled crookedly and looked at a rakshi arriving in the distance. "That's a good idea but how do we get Amari on there discreetly?" Menko smiled mischievously and rubbed her paws together.

"Watch out, I've got a good idea!" She transformed into a tiger and bit into Amari's shoe. "Zoe, help me put her on my back." She growled low and I complied with her request. Amari was light and I tugged her onto my back so she couldn't fall off. "Okay, now what?"

"Now I'm going to do something I'm not supposed to do! I'm going to cross Jade Time as Youndra!" I sat on her back and she started sprinting.

Pretty fast.So really fast.

I buried myself in her neck, trying to keep a good hold on Amari while also seeing where we were going. Holy shit, it looks like everything is coming apart at the seams. The background blurred and everything stopped except Menko. Birds, people and even the wind stopped moving.

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