chapter 8.

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An unavoidable encounter

???'s view

The cold aero air stalked around me, making me feel its cool breath.

It was like every day, mother told me to get some herbs for a certain potion to concentrate in my studies.

It is annoying to look for these herbs because they grow near the Saron forest and there are the nests of the proditors. Annoying critters that are nocturnal.


Since the monsters' bellows have already hatched, I have to be careful as hell not to die. A difficult task, but I can protect myself.

It's always the same, Mother says that when I'm looking for herbs, fetching water, or searching for ghosts, I can "concentrate very well."

As if!

I don't feel like learning any more Norion spells, I already know almost all of them, I don't need to learn the crap that no elf needs.

Besides, she is always so grumpy and strict, there is no point in learning anything that is not perfect.

Well, at least one more time to collect herbs, then do something fun!

As I wandered through the wet and cold mud I remembered how desolate it is here. Since the syndrome appeared and is still floating around, nothing will change. Nothing will bloom and shine green, no normal animals will run around and live, and no children's laughter from the happy villages. Let's face it, it's all aéstric!

This aestric arkomak that ruined everything.

I do not suffer from it, but my environment has taken a lot. In the last five jade years Jaidylen has changed, we have changed. Somehow I want to change something, many people I used to see running around happily have turned in on themselves or are dead.

The syndrome is one of the worst diseases that hit Jaidylen and we did not have many in the last jade centuries.

I once had to accompany my mother when she gave medication to an old woman with arkomak syndrome when it was fairly new five years ago.

I was forced because I avoided contact with jade people. I'm not a fan of big relationships and.... friends.

The old woman lay in bed, her skin eaten away and decaying. Black pocks 3 cm in diameter were everywhere slowly decomposing and turning into black veins.

She could no longer communicate, her eyes were almost squeezing out of their sockets in pain, and plaintive and croaking sounds were coming from her throat.

She was flailing wildly and did not notice us anymore, an assistant explained to us that her internal organs were disintegrating more and more with every hour and that she was suffering in agony.

In these moments, he said, he considered giving her the coup de grace and this sentence burned itself into my memory.

How do you overcome that limit in your mind to kill someone even if they are slowly dying with agony?

After Mother's indignant exclamation that he should do it, since she couldn't watch her screaming and gurgling, he tried Norion, but even the best death spells just didn't work.

With wide disbelieving eyes, I watched as the helper desperately recited every medix spell imaginable, which then bounced off the decomposed skin.

Everyone in the room fell silent as we realized that the disease, this syndrome, does not allow the woman to kill anything but the syndrome.

It has been taught to only spread far and wide, painfully killing its host and protecting it from any other dangerous source.

This event had shown me how horrible this syndrome is, because it is not a normal Kiarií or Punpun pox, but a killer monster that will drag us all to our deaths. The old woman died while we were still with her. It was not a good sight, because all victims of the syndrome decompose until they are a puddle of intestines and guts. The last thing jaidylinic about them are their jade stone, which was still sticking out and shining slightly.

My mother said in a broken voice, we will never sell medicine and tinctures to sick people again. Never again. I had never seen her so speechless, and as a little twelve-year-old Aliandra child, it had disturbed me.

The sick, that is, those who were afflicted with the syndrome, were now all called Sýndma (the sinful) and were pushed away, but even all this did not help and a complete wave of infection occurred.

And so here we are, five jade years later in an eyesore called Jaidylen.

I want to change something, I always wanted to do that after that moment with the old woman, but the possibilities had never been there.

Well, it didn't matter, since I had arrived at the place of the herbs.

The variegated zinóaen, very good for healing tinctures and norion spells that have healing approaches....

The scarlet Weviane, a must for occult purposes best for blood sacrifices....

And the Ouria, a queen in the field of forgetfulness medicines....

My mind wandered over the square when I saw the herbs.

I smiled when I saw the Ouria, my grandmother loves these plants, she always says that meeting new people is better when they forget who you were.

A crack brought me back to the here and now and I jumped backwards. As I pushed my velvet cloak away from my bare arms and I watched the surroundings with watchful eyes, I noticed a proditor bellows moving on fours further away from me.

These disgusting critters, with their empty eye sockets, the gray cracked skin and the big crack on their spines, the mouth on the back of their bald heads and the pointed and long limbs.

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