chapter 13.

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Aquatas, a "flying" water city

Amari's view

"Amari, wait!" An all-too-familiar voice echoed in the stone and round building.

Zoe. My friend. My "guide".

She was trying to warn me, but I didn't hear it in time. The arrow slipped slowly from my fingers, it was very delicate with small decorations in the sturdy wood. It flew off quickly, straight and aimed at our victim.


The Rajoza of the element of water, a strong personality who is a little too eccentric for my taste. She is perhaps by far the weakest of them all, according to Grandma.

Then comes Fanji, the rayoza of embers and ashes, a loud woman with a fiery temper.

Then Avoran, the wind itself. An extremely dignified opponent, but one who can easily be beaten with psychological strategies.

And the crowning glory is Teyas, the rock Rajoza from the tropical west. A talented fighter who has sent many strong fighters into true exile. So why should I stop at such a weak opponent when even stronger opponents await us?

Wurai can regenerate anyway and our tactics have actually worked! Why should Zoe change her mind and attitude now, what made her do it?

The arrow flew quickly and Zoe tried to parry it, but it flew straight at Wurai, who stirred slightly.

"NOW IT'S GONE WITH THE GAME, YOU'RE GOING TO REPENT FOR FIGHTING WITH RAJOZA WURAI, WARRIOR OF UNSTABLE WATER AND KILLING FLOODS!" Wurai screamed hysterically and flew slowly upwards, a blue spherical barrier protecting her.Foaming at the mouth, she stared at me and summoned a shockwave that roared through my body.

It was so strong that I flew to the ground and lost consciousness for a short time. A beeping sounded and I tried to look up, but everything was white before my eyes.

"Amari!" Zoe.

Pain coming from my knee made me tremble.

I have to get up. I have to prove what I can do.

I am Amari after all.

I MUST be able to do everything. I am a Sórens, a strong Aliandra.

I am destined with the mission to support Zoe in the fight against Arkomak, so why am I failing here?

With trembling knees, I stood up and picked up my bow. Slowly, but surely, I could recognize my surroundings again and see Zoe running towards me. She looked at me worriedly and maintained eye contact with Menko, who was trying to distract Wurai in the meantime.

"Amari, are you all right? I saw you lying on the floor!" There was a slight tremor in her voice and she gasped.

We definitely need to recognize a weak spot, Wurai is in a difficult phase for us, I notice the norion pouring out of her in buckets. Quite strong, from the water element of course. She summoned whips of water as big as houses and lashed out at Menko, dodging them one by one.

"We have to think of something!" I said, looking in my quiver, nothing useful that could knock Wurai off her feet.

"We have to find her weak point..." Zoe suddenly muttered but started to beam.

"Yeah, the weak point, a hole in her water barrier or an obstacle, hah like in a video game or something!" She flapped her hands around happily and looked at Wurai with focus.

What's a video game? Never mind, Zoe is right, finding a weak point is important, but her spherical barrier has no gap at all, it's perfect.

"Hey Amari what's that?" Zoe pointed to a small floating symbol under her barrier.

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