chapter 9.

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The meeting with the sinful

Zoe's view

Move your legs, Zoe!

Somehow I have to go, I don't know.

Alix is standing next to me shaking and trying to pull me away but I can't do anything.
"Come on Zoe we have to get out of here please!"
Alix whined strongly and shook me while my gaze was still on the forest.

What now, running?

Are they fast?

Are we going to die like this?



Something stirred inside me when I heard the voice, a female one. It came from near the forest, a stranger shot out from the forest with a cape around her.

We have to leave right now, somehow. I stumbled backwards and took Alix's arm.

"Okay, now we have to go, Alix go!" Now everything was splashing, we were running away. Just away.

Alix kept stumbling behind me as I pulled her. But we just have to keep going. I can't even look back that's how deep in the shit we are!

"ZOEE!!! Please hurry!" yelped Alix and I let go of her arm. There was a big danger that we would slip but we just have to keep going!

"Don't worry Alix I'll take care of you okay? Don't worry, nothing will happen to you!" With a forced laugh I tried to give her courage, maybe it worked. Maybe we can get out of here, away from these critters!

"Naaa, I'm not so sure about that..."

Alix screamed at the moment I heard something. I stopped running and looked behind me.
And looked into the eyes of a handsome man.
He had his hand on my friend's head and was clawing into it.

He smiled at me while Alix gasped for air and slowly hit the floor.

"Oh that hurts you, does it? Would you like me to speed up your disease process, my dear?"

Gurgling sounds escaped her throat as she looked up at the guy with fear distorted eyes.

"Who...who are you?" i asked in a low voice, i tried to walk up to the two of them but the guy yanks his hand up with him so he can get a closer look at her.

"Oh the question isn't who I am, it's what I am, right Saji?"
He looked deep into Alix's eyes with a smile.

"Oh I haven't seen such a pretty specimen in years, hah too bad you're about to die, a shame really!"

"Wait what do you mean with Saji and what are you?"

"Ah-...Arko...-mak..." Gasped Alix as she tried to free herself, but he clawed in more and Alix only screamed more.

"Oh now you've ruined it, you bitch!" His smile turned evil and now he was really looking at me.

Almost light blue eyes he had, the skin by his left eye flickered back and forth and looked like a glitch like in a video game.

Blond curls framed his pale face, with some freckles under his eyes. Judging from the clothes, one could think that he comes from ancient Greece, with all the sheets that were around him.He looked like a saint, quite handsome, but what he does is ghastly.

And Arkomak?

That's Arkomak!?

"It's because of me that you're here, Zoe.... Isn't that great?

But I was expecting someone stronger, well, crushing you will probably be easier now." He laughed and wiped a tear from his eye.

"You're Arkomak?... I imagined you uglier, you dick, let go of Alix!"

I took a few steps forward, ready to smack the bastard.

But the sky turned dark gray and Arkomak smiled broadly.

"Zoe, you underestimate me too much..."I suddenly couldn't move and everything stood up on me, the hair on my legs, the hair on my neck, everything. 

Alix stopped in pain and screamed her head off, which I watched with tears.

"I think this is a good chance to show me what you can do as an oh-so-great heroine. Go on, save your friend, go to her!", He watched me as I tried to move, but the presence of that Arkomak stopped me.
"Come on, human scum, step forward! Every second you wait is precious, because I'm speeding up the process of the syndrome and she's dying right now. Isn't that funny?" He looked at Alix and then at me again, licking his lips disgustingly.

"You are a disgusting pig!" I hissed out and stopped, I didn't have a choice after all.

"Oh I don't think that was a good decision Zoe.

No, no not a good decision" He shook his head in disappointment, forcing Alix to stand up, who soon ran out of strength.

"Alix... I'll help... help you, okay?" I mumbled and looked at her desperately, I want to go to her and free her but I can't move.

Maybe Arkomak will let her go after all, please!

"I..l... Don't want to die, Zoe..." She looked at me and tears ran down her almost decomposed skin. A moment later, her head exploded, her body, everything. What's left of her is a green intact stone that peeked out from the masses of mud.

My eyes widen as I started screaming, I tried to run away but I couldn't move.

That bastard killed her, I'm going to rip everything out of his body!My head was shaking as I looked down at myself. Dark red blood and black masses stuck to my sweater and face.

My mouth is dry after screaming everything out.

But this asshole looked at me with amusement.

"Well Zoe, I guess you're not a hero after all. You can't save everyone even if you want to, you're weak..."

He paused and the corner of his mouth twitched back and forth really fast.Furious, I looked at him and my hands trembled.

 Everything in my head was spinning....

maybe he's right... Maybe I am weak, a useless heroine....

I could have saved Alix...

I am so sorry... I wonder what her people, her mother say about it?

"You are useless, my good girl.... It's better if you go back home to Earth and never go back. You don't want to kill any more people, do you?"

He came up to me and took my face in his hand.I watched him, his face. Only now did I see the black little veins coming out of his eyes, which looked quite menacing.

"You are the absolute worst, Arkomak".

He looked at me sadly and grabbed my chin.

"You know what? I'm going to give you one chance! Run and never return, because next time the same thing that happened to your friend will happen to you..." He dropped me on the ground near Alix remains and was gone just like the darkness in the sky.

My chin hurt and blood dripped down. That bastard...

But maybe he's right.

Maybe I am useless.

I couldn't even save Alix. For that, this guy, Arkomak, had been strong.

If he's the source of the syndrome, I probably won't be able to survive this.

"Alix..." My whisper was louder than any noise buzzing around right now.

I'm so sorry... Tears were flowing down my face while the floor was making everything dirty for me.I'm tired...

Tired of all the suffering, of all the tears, of Arkomak and of Alix....

Why am I doing all this? 

Why me, a human girl, a regular normal girl.

I lay my head on the wet and cold floor and curl up. 

Maybe everything will be better if I sleep....

and forever.

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