Chapter 51

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A month had already passed and it was time for the next trial but I couldn't feel anything except for being uncomfortable because of the cameras and eyes that darted at every inch of me.

"Are you ready?" Wolf asked while squeezing my hand.

I swallowed and nodded at him because there was no other choice than to be ready.

He gently smiled at me and never let go of my hand even when we had already settled ourselves on our seats.

Every single person in these four corners were busy murmuring and preparing while flipping crunchy pages of papers from files and documents echoed in the room.

I waited in silence but was looking around because I noticed that someone was missing until the trial began.

My friends were already here and I was expecting that he'd be with them but he wasn't, but I just shrugged it off because he was not the reason why I was here.

I swallowed and already paid my attention in front as Prosecutor Suyan said something I couldn't fully comprehend so Wolf was whispering to me to explain it but all I did was to nod my head because nothing gets inside my head.

"Sandra, it's all under your name." He smiled and squeezed my hand.

"The what?" I asked dahil hindi ako nakakasabay. Ang alam ko lang ay pinag uusapan nila si daddy.

"The bank, mansions, lands, all of them. They are all yours."

I looked up to him with my mouth a little open due to shock because all this time...I thought...I thought it was already under Kian's family.

"Napaka duwag nila. They made you believe that they have power over all of it when in fact, with just a word from you, they will be nothing." He chuckled and shook his head like he just witnessed something so stupid and dumb.

My head unconsciously turned in Kian's direction and we caught each other's eyes.

He looked so mad and frustrated but for the first time, it didn't scare me. Instead, I felt delighted.

I tilted my head and smirked at him, that turned into laughter when he stood up to attack me but got pulled back down to his seat.

"Do it." Wolf whispered with full encouragement, so I did.

I lifted my middle finger from both hands and showed it to Kian, which drove him to punch his seat in anger while I earned a proud laughter from my friends.

Oh, God it felt so good.

"There's more. You know him?" Wolf whispered again.

I stared at the man in front and my heart dropped because I knew him. He was the doctor in China who treated all of my injuries.

He stood on the witness stand and took the oath to just tell nothing but the truth.

Prosecutor Suyan asked him questions that he answered in english and even though he wasn't fluent, we still understood him.

"How long have you been working for the Lee family?" She asked.

"Six." He simply answered.

"Within those six years, can you tell us what you witnessed?"

I clasped my hands together and prayed silently that he would tell the truth as he searched for me in the crowd.

"Mr. Lee was hurting her." He met my eyes, and the weight on my shoulders and heart lifted away.

I took a deep sigh and it felt like I breathed for the first time today.

"Mr. Lee hurts her everyday. He slapped and hit her, and it gets worse every time he drinks alcohol." He took a harsh exhale before continuing. "When Ms. Lewis was pregnant, I saw Mr. Lee slapped and choked her against the wall..."

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