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"I can't wait to get home and show Dad I passed my license!" Everly excitedly squealed, hugging me. "Thank you so much for bringing me."

I squeezed her tighter. "You're welcome. Your dad was so nervous about you passing this, so he'll be thrilled to see he doesn't have to drive with you anymore. Now, he can finally relax," I said, giggling.

For weeks, Declan had been a nervous wreck about Everly passing her driver's license after she had scared him a few times while he was teaching her how to drive. And the last time he rode with her, he claimed she gave him a heart attack after she cut off an eighteen-wheeler.

Everly claimed he overreacted and insisted she had plenty of time to move over. Declan, of course, denied it again, saying she did have plenty of time to move over at one point, but she stayed in the left lane. Then, when she finally decided to move into the right lane, she didn't look before crossing over and slid into the right lane, practically clipping the semi's front end when she did.

So, to save Declan's heart and an argument between father and daughter, I told him I'd take her to her driving test this morning.

I needed a break from home and felt like spending some quality time with Everly—my daughter.

Five years ago, after Declan and Marla saved us from our nightmare, Declan enrolled both Everly and me in counseling. He also put me through extensive therapy.

A doctor also saw me to have my insides evaluated after Declan and Marla admitted to me what Chadwick had done to me over the years.

I was mortified at what I learned, but it explained why Chadwick had me on birth control the entire time I was with him. Then, I was devastated after the doctor gave Declan and me the news I'd never be able to have children.

I always wanted to give him a child, so it stung to hear those five words—you're unable to have children.

A year later, after the court hearings were over and Felicity was sent away for life, losing all rights to Everly, Declan, Everly, and I went to France to visit my parents. He surprised me by proposing to me in front of Everly, my parents, my three sisters, Sabine, Soleil, and Sophie, and my nieces and nephews at the Eiffel Tower. It was a surprise—I had no idea my family would also be there when we brought Everly to see it.

Declan and I married six months later, and I immediately adopted Everly.

Life was good.

I finally felt myself, I finally felt free, and I finally felt I had a life worth living. And I finally had Declan and a family I'd always wanted.

Then, two years ago, life got even better when I got the most shocking news I never thought I'd ever hear a doctor tell me—you're pregnant. Twelve weeks pregnant. I was very emotional that day. I was thrilled, overjoyed, ecstatic, in heaven, you name it! But I also felt sorry and sad to tell Marla the surprising news.

She and Caleb had always wanted their own children but never could because of what Chadwick had done to her. It broke my heart after learning about that, too, when I was told I couldn't have children myself. So it took a while for us to tell her. Then, Declan filled her in.

The reaction we got from her wasn't what we expected. We thought she'd be sad and hurt, but we got quite the opposite, and she ended up spoiling me and the baby my entire pregnancy.

Eighteen months ago, I delivered a healthy, dark-haired, blue-eyed baby girl with a set of lungs you wouldn't believe. Because we felt she was a miracle, long-hoped for, wished for, and a gift from heaven, we named her Ayah Desirae, a unique name that meant everything we felt she was.

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