16 - Declan

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Watching Seraphine sleep off all the orgasms she received throughout the night as the sun's rays peeked through the curtains, shining directly on her, was a beautiful sight—a sight I wished to have woken up to every day since I screwed up all those years ago.

But I don't want to think about that painful period of my life. She's back. Broken. But she's back with me. Now, I need to figure out where this will go between her and me after begging me to bring her out of the darkness she'd been confined to for years.

Seraphine looked so relaxed and serene, cuddled beneath the sheets. The rays of the morning sun shone on her, brightening the glowing look on her face, making her look more beautiful and peaceful than ever before.

The recurring dreams I've had for years about Seraphine finally came true. First, when Marla brought her to me, and last night when she came to my room, kissing me and begging, I gave her pussy the attention it needed. I can only hope that her allowing me to show how much I am in love with her was her way of saying she wanted to pick up where we left off.

After all my dreams of pleasing Seraphine again came true, I couldn't fall back asleep.

I was on a sexual high I hadn't felt since I last slept with her. I was over the moon, thrilled, and confused. I may have allowed her to use me to get the exhilaration her body needed, and I was all for doing so, and overjoyed, ecstatic, and in heaven with her pussy warming and hugging my cock, but what I didn't realize is how much it would play with my heart.

Smelling her. Tasting her. Devouring her pussy and ravishing her flesh, along with my cock buried inside her, pleasuring her, and listening to her moan and scream when I repeatedly gave her multiple orgasms, was undeniably the best night I've ever had with a woman—with her.

My fantasies exceeded my wildest expectations, so much so that I wasn't sure if I'd dreamt what we shared or if it was real.

One of the main reasons I stayed awake was to watch my Mon chéri as she slept. I feared that if I had fallen asleep, I'd awake to her gone, assuming her waking me to please her was only a vision of my imagination—adding to my recurring dreams.

As I lay watching her, I'd pinch myself, ensuring the woman in my arms wasn't a dream, while reminiscing about the night of her, allowing me to bring many smiles to her gorgeous face. Seraphine's cries of pleasure, her moans of satisfaction, and her purrs of happiness and contentment were still running through my mind, and they were making me smile.

This isn't a dream. The pain of my pinch just proved this was real. And I couldn't be any happier than I am that she's still in my bed and has given me another chance to show how badly I still want her to be mine.

She might have used me, but I believe she wants me just as badly as I want her.

Since we had to be on the tarmac in a few hours, and I wanted Seraphine to get something in her stomach before we left, I carefully moved her out of my arms and then quietly left the bed, letting her sleep for a little longer.

I threw on my sweats and headed to the kitchen to see what was stocked to make my sleeping beauty something for breakfast.

To simplify it, since we had to be at the airport in a few short hours and still needed to get ready, I whipped up some scrambled eggs while the bacon and sausage were cooking.

Knowing how much Seraphine loved fruit, I filled a bowl with mixed fruit, poured her a glass of orange juice, and filled a mug with coffee. When the eggs were almost finished cooking, I popped a couple of slices of bread into the toaster and cooked them until they were golden brown—just the way she liked her toast.

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