14 - Seraphine

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Holding my frail father, hugging my mother, and being able to talk with my sisters and parents with no one telling me I'm not allowed to converse with them have me feeling on top of the world, and I owe it to Declan and Marla for making this happen. If it weren't for either of them, I'd be in the room at Declan's, crying, sleeping, starving myself, and hiding from the world while wondering if being alive was worth it.

I hate thinking that way, but after years of abuse, physically and mentally, and being told I wasn't allowed to see my family, it's hard not to think that way. Especially when you escape prison for freedom, believing that's what you'll get, only to find out you're still restricted from seeing your family, messes with your mindset.

I haven't seen my parents since I married Chadwick over six years ago. He forbade me from flying home to see my family and ensured we weren't home or out of town whenever he knew my parents were flying to visit. Chadwick did everything to prevent me from seeing and talking to my family.

So, being here with my parents and sisters helped my sanity and mental health, keeping them from spiraling out of control like they have.

I was also in a state of serenity I hadn't felt in years. Even though it hurt seeing my father frail and unwell and how it crushed me when he claimed he didn't have much time on earth, it still felt wonderful to be with my family.

I had just handed my father a puzzle piece he'd been looking for when Declan stormed into the house with a look of panic on his face, and my heart dived into the depths of my belly when he behested, "Seraphine, désolé d'écourter ces retrouvailles, mais nous devons partir. Immédiatement. Les hommes de Chadwick sont à proximité et font irruption dans les maisons de tout le monde." ("Seraphine, sorry to cut this reunion short, but we need to leave. Immediately. Chadwick's men are nearby and barging into everyone's homes.")

I quickly rose to my feet, shouting, "What?"

He looked at my parents and sisters, commanding, "Vous devez également partir pendant un certain temps. Une fois qu'ils vous auront trouvé, ils vous tiendront en otage jusqu'à ce que Séraphine soit retrouvée." ("You need to leave for a while also. Once they find you, they'll hold you, hostage, until Seraphine is found.")

I rounded my father's puzzle table, helped my dad stand, and then glared at Declan. "How did they find my family if they're under a secured witness protection program? In a secluded, private area, no less!"

"I don't know. I know they're not too far from here," Declan answered, gathering my sisters and mother.

It somewhat doesn't surprise me. Chadwick's no dummy. He usually can find anything he wants when he wants it bad enough. The only thing he couldn't find was my pussy, which says he was getting it elsewhere.

A Switzerland federal police officer stepped over to my father and me, taking him from my hand. He looked at Declan and said, "Get Seraphine out of here. Don't worry about what'll happen with them. We'll bring her family down to the underground home, and then we'll pose as the family staying here."

I didn't want to leave my family behind, but I left with Declan anyway. I have to trust they'll take care of them.

"What was that guy talking about when he said he was bringing my family to the underground home? And I'd still like to know how Chadwick found us."

Declan looked out the window behind us, raking his fingers through his hair. Turning his eyes to me, he said, "I don't know how they found us or if they know that's where your parents are staying. That home Marla transferred your parents to is off the radar and only used for emergencies. So when we get back to the chalet, I'll be making many phone calls to see what the fuck happened. As for the underground home, there's a secret door that leads to a hidden tunnel leading to another living area."

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