17 - Declan

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"I've never shot a gun, let alone held one in my life, Declan," Seraphine whined, eyeing the 9mm handgun wide-eyed as I tried handing it to her.

I raised the handgun higher and smiled. "Well, now you will be. Take it—carefully. Remember. Always treat a gun as if it's loaded, even if this one isn't," I said, showing her the gun and chamber empty. Then, I lifted the clip filled with ammo and showed her how to insert the clip.

Seraphine's face fell, and she was white as a ghost as her eyes stayed pinned on the handgun, still refusing to take it from me.

"Seraphine, take the gun. Get a feel of it, familiarize yourself with it, and practice aiming it like I showed you." I removed the clip and then insisted, "It's not loaded. Just take it, hold it, look it over, and aim. Practice without it being loaded."

She shook her head. "I can't."

"You can. Come on, you need to learn how to shoot to protect yourself if ever needed." Especially if I'm at work and I can't protect you. "You have nothing to worry about with it being unloaded."

Everly stepped over to us, looked at me, and took the gun from my hand. "I'll show her how to use it." She grabbed the clip and smiled as she looked at Seraphine.

Seraphine's eyes widened even more, then looked at me. "She knows how to handle a gun? Isn't she ten?"

"Yes," I responded nonchalantly like it wasn't a big deal. "I've been working with her for years on how to protect herself. A woman needs to know how to defend herself. And because of your situation, you're going to learn to shoot a gun and use self-defense moves to ward off your attacker, which is where we're going next."

Everly put on her earmuffs and safety glasses and showed Seraphine how to load the magazine into the gun. "See? It's easy." Then she stood and showed Seraphine how to stand and aim at the target through the sight.

I know I should be working with Seraphine on this, but I feel that she'll see it isn't that bad if Everly shows her how to handle a gun and shoot. That if a ten-year-old can do it, she could, too. It was also a proud moment for me to see my little girl, who for years gave me attitude, take over trying to help Seraphine—acting older than she was and being a showoff.

With what I know about Seraphine's case and why she was under investigation because of Chadwick, she'll learn how to defend herself, especially after what happened in Europe a week ago.

I'd take a special trip to New York to take the prick out before he can get to Seraphine and be done with it, but then I'd jeopardize raising and spending time with my daughter because I'd end up paying the rest of my life behind bars for taking matters in my own hands by killing the guy.

Seraphine jumped and stepped back every time Everly shot. After she had unloaded all her rounds, she reached over to the wall and hit the button to retrieve the paper target and see how she had done.

My heart swelled when I unclipped the sheet of paper, proud to see the five shots to the head were all in the same spot—right between the eyes, including all five shots to the chest, which were grouped on the heart.

I rubbed Everly's head, smiling as I praised, "You're a natural kiddo. I'm so proud of you." I handed Seraphine the sheet. "Take a look. This is what you'll be mastering soon."

Seraphine took the paper target and shook her head as she eyed Everly's perfect shots. "I can't do it. I can't kill anyone," she said.

"In a life or death situation, you will do what you must," I countered. Cocking my head to the side, I wondered, "Are you telling me you wouldn't shoot if someone were holding a gun to your head?"

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