"Love, please drink this. We have to keep you hydrated," I whisper helping him sit up and start to sip at the water. I gently keep my hold on him not wanting him to flop back down. I keep him close my fingers running through his hair at the back of his head.

When he has managed to drink the entire bottle I let him lay back down and snuggle into my side beneath the sheets.

"I'm sorry, Hazza. I didn't mean to worry you guys. I just didn't think the morning sickness was that big of a deal, but I suppose between staying up all night with the twins and the breast feeding it is draining me a little more than expected," he apologizes the feeling of his tears hitting my bare skin making my heart shatter.

"It's okay, Li. Just close your eyes and get some sleep. Dr. Ada will be here soon and she'll give you everything you're going to need," I promise him resting my cheek on the top of his fluffy head as he snuggles in closer. Unable to help myself I find myself drifting to sleep as well.


"Wakey wakey! Dr. Ada is here!" Louis' cheerful voice greets me like usual in the morning. I blink a couple of times trying to get the sleep from my eyes. Deciding to at least put some pants on before she actually comes into our room I get out of bed stretching knowing that Louis is enjoying the view and based on the reddened cheeks of Liam when I turn around he most defiantly had as well. 

Liam is sitting up, his skin less clammy than yesterday, the bags under his eyes starting to disappear and looking much better over all. He is holding Luke close and is breastfeeding him like usual in the morning. This makes me pout, but I choose to say nothing. I just hope we can take one more feeding off the twins' schedule soon.

By the time my pants are on there is a light knock on our hotel room door. I go over to open the door for Dr. Ada.

Like usual she looks totally professional, her jet black hair pulled back into a bun, her clothes appearing to never wrinkle and a smile that lights up her face that makes it seem she has never had a tiring day in her life. I must admit I envy her for that.

"Good morning gentlemen. Now where is my patient?" she greets us giving both Louis and I quick hugs.

"He's laying down in bed feeding Luke. He should be finished soon," Louis replies leading the way further into the hotel room. 

"Just finished actually. Louis can you take him?" Liam asks handing Luke over to Louis, who Louis greets with funny noises and a tickling session making the little boys squeals echo throughout the room.

"I think the people next door and below us hate us," Louis laughs as he places Luke in the play crib with a bunch of his favorite toys.

"Aw, who could hate that little giggle though?" Dr. Ada laughs as she gets some of her equipment ready to examine Liam.

"Maybe, but I doubt they love Jeremiah's crying," Liam sighs glancing over at his sleeping oldest who still isn't feeling that great.

"I'll check up on him again if it'll make you feel better, but I'm sure that in another day or two he'll be once again his happy, curious self," Dr. Ada assures him making Liam visibly relax a little, "Now I have heard rumor you might be pregnant again and that it might be some rough morning sickness that you're experiencing."

At her words Liam nods a little suddenly looking a little green. Knowing he will be about to be sick again I hurry into the bathroom grabbing the trashcan. I put the trashcan in his lap and as soon as I do he starts to get sick. I rub his back soothingly while also holding the bucket steady. He stops and takes the time to breath before once again painfully gagging tears filling his eyes running down his cheeks.

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