36 - You... saved me

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"What are we doing here?" I asked curiously as Sebastian pulled me into the gas station bathroom

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"What are we doing here?" I asked curiously as Sebastian pulled me into the gas station bathroom. "You know guys aren't supposed to—"

"Shhh..." he soothed, pulling me up by my hips and setting me on the sink.

I watched as he tugged out bandages from his pocket that he bought and placed it next to me.

"Sebastian?" I said.

He just gazed up lightly cupping my cheeks as my brows drew together.

He brushed his thumb along a bandage on my cheek—one that was placed after he threw me—he scraped me and patched me up when he was... North.

"I did this," he whispered.

"You were trying to save me," I told him.

He just sighed. "I know, but still...." He gazed up. "Are you alright? Are you hurting anywhere? I can help. I'm sorry I didn't before."

"It's alright, Sebastian." I smiled a little at his sudden timidness. "And... yes, I'm hurting."

His eyes flashed with worry. "Where?"

"My scrapes and..." I gazed down at my legs, "my muscles are sore."

He quickly scrambled through his jacket pocket and pulled out a bottle of pain meds, handing them to me. "Take two. They're human ones, not magical, but they should help at least a little."

I smiled then, shaking two blue pills onto my hand and swallowing them with no water. "Thanks, Sebastian."

His eyes searched mine for a moment, and he smiled. "Hold on a moment, okay?"

I nodded, and he pulled away, catching the bandages and ripped open the box.

I watched as he ripped open another box of antibacterial ointment and gazed back up at me.

He lightly caught the bandage and peeled it off, being so gentle that I could barely feel my skin pulling.

And he gazed down at my arm, doing the same.

Why didn't it hurt?

He only scraped me here and my cheek, everywhere else was covered my clothes—thick ones due to the cold.

Sebastian then spread the antibacterial ointment on his finger, lightly running it on my arm as I whimpered.

"I know, baby," he whispered. "Sorry."

I just parted my lips as he returned to spread some over my cheek, being so much gentler as I stared into his eyes.

It was odd... there was a cloudiness that I saw only hours ago... when he was possessed by North, he looked uncertain, almost afraid.

But now that cloudiness was gone, and it was as if I saw the black again... like the new moon.

He was my Sebastian again.

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