24 - Annabelle the uglist dollface

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"Sebastian!" a girl called, making my lashes lower as I walked in the school. "Seeeebassstiannnn!"

He glanced behind him as she waved gracefully to him, smiling sweetly.

I wanted to die.

That was Anna, one of the most obnoxious, popular girls in existence. She wasn't even popular; she was just a crazy chick who got in trouble every second. Ever since she started school, she had been in the dean's office.

Seriously... it was like she lived there.

The thing was with her was that she thought she could get every guy she wanted. She would see a hot one, dump the last, and go for him, see another one, dump him, and repeat.

She was the girl version of a player.

And—since spring break ended a week ago—she'd been going after Sebastian since.

He'd always dodge her callings and ignore her, although he never touched me at school; no holding hands, no kissing, no touching, so I didn't think she knew we were together.

I originally wanted to keep it that way, and that's why he hadn't been touching me or anything, but... now I was starting to regret that decision.

Yes, I was jealous.

No, I wasn't going to admit it out loud.

"You good?" Sebastian said as we passed the security guards and entered the school. "Your teeth are grinding."

I gazed up at him, jaw locking. "Fine."

He looked as if he weren't trying to laugh. "Is someone regretting the decision of 'no PDA' at school?"

I glared at him.

He just chuckled. "Take it back and I'll show her who's boss."

"Who is boss?" I asked curiously.

He glanced over at me. "You."

I rolled my eyes.

He smirked slightly. "You think I'm lying?"

I gave him a look. "You always lie."

He pouted. "Are you mad at me, Skye?"

"I'm not mad at you for lying," I said, glaring. "I'm mad at you for being so bad at it."

He chuckled under his breath, and I just sighed and shook my head.

"Sebastian!" she yelled, following after him. "Hey!"

"I hate how girls do this," I muttered.

He just smirked as we entered the main hallway. "Take it back."

Anna kept following after us. "Sebastian! I have a question for you! You know, homecoming's coming up soon, and so I wanted to ask you!"

He never replied.

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