10 - Get OUT

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"Did you need something?" I demanded, gazing up at the doorway where North stood.

He was silent, just watching Skye sleep peacefully in my chest.

"If you don't want to talk," I said. "Then get out."

"That's very rude brother." His tone was low, demonic. "I was just passing by."

I pulled the covers more over Skye, and she moaned and turned further into me. "What do you want?"

"Want?" he echoed. "You think the reason I came to visit was because I want something? Not because I love my brother and cherish him? Not because I missed you?"

"Yes," I replied, still stroking Skye's hair as she dreamt. "You've never loved me. You just kept me close because I was useful to you. So why are you here?"

"That's not nice," North said, "you seriously think of me that way?"

"Why were you nice to her?" I demanded, changing the subject.

He glanced up, smirking. "Hm?"

"You want her," I told him, glaring. "So the most useful tactic would be to break us apart. And she was sad, damaged. So why did you assure her that I cared about her? That doesn't sound like you."

North just smiled. "You make it sound like I have this dubious plan."

"You do," I told him, glare sharpening. "You always do."

"Well, brother, I can assure you that I do not." The smile was still there, emanating a sudden calmness.

"Why?" I questioned. "Why aren't you trying to break us apart, so she'd be yours?"

"She seems happy with you, brother," North stated. "I don't want to ruin that."

I narrowed my eyes, studying him. "Then why do you keep following her?"

"Because she's interesting," North said, shrugging. "I can admire her from a distance, can I not?"

My lashes lowered. "Why are you suddenly acting like this?"

"I love my brother as much as I love her," North stated. "My brother is happy with her, and she is happy with him. So I will step down and let them be."

"That doesn't sound like you," I stated.

"Then you don't know me," he replied. "I can change, too."

I just shook my head. "You're planning something."

His brows arched.

"You're always planning something," I stated. "That's the only explanation."

He laughed then. "What could I possibly be planning?"

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