11 - Say again...?

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"Oh!" mom said as she opened the front door. "You're home!"

I smiled and stepped in, letting her squeeze me into a hug as dad stood in the entryway, staring at me.

He stepped up to me and ruffled my hair. "Welcome home, kid."

"Thanks, dad," I said, smiling.

He nodded and walked off, disappearing behind the kitchen entrance.

Mom stared after him before glancing down at me. "So..." she whispered, "how's Sebastian?"

I stared. "What?"

"Oh, I know when my daughter lies," she said, rolling her eyes as she gazed down at me. "You spent the night at his house, didn't you?"

My lips thinned, and I looked away.

"So..." mom said, "how is he? Is he good?"

I gazed up questioningly. "What? Why do you want to know?"

"I just wanna know how my daughter's mysterious boyfriend is."

I stared. "Wait... you're not mad?"

Mom made a pft sound. "That you lied? Nah. That's your dad's job." She pinched my cheeks, making me whimper. "I want my daughter happy." She let go, smiling. "And possible a son-in-law... and maybe a couple grandkids."

"Calm down, mom," I said, shoving away but felt my lips curl. "I'm only seventeen."

"Well, you turn eighteen in four months," she argued. "You know what's great? Weddings. Should we start planning!"

"Mom, you're freaking me out a little."

She waved my response away. "Whatever. You'll come around."

Before she walked away, I caught her arm, and she glanced back at me with a smile.

"Mom...?" I said, lips parting. "Why do you like him so much and dad doesn't?"

She just turned further toward me. "Every time his name is mentioned, your cheeks glow. I see the way you look at him—like he's a god. And he looks at you the same." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "True love."

"But I—"

"Haven't been happy in so long," she finished, smiling. "You're more energized, elated."

She hasn't noticed my fear of North? I thought.

"I don't care how that guy hurt you," mom told me, cupping my cheek. "What matters is that... Sebastian saved you, and... I'll never stand in the way of you and your relationships again, Skye. It seems like you have good picks."

I smiled softly.

"So... have you...?" She made a crude gesture.

"Mom!" I complained, covering my eyes. "Gross!"

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