14 - Train me... Wait, I worded that wrong.

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SkyeTwo Months Ago

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Two Months Ago

"I don't know if I can do this," I said to Sebastian.

He stood in the middle of the training room, flipping a wooden training pole in his hand as he regarded me. "You'll do fine, Skye. You already know the basics, so the rest will flow in easily."

I just sighed, gazing down. "Sebastian... I meant I don't know if I can fight. Why do I need to fight, anyway? All daem are in hell, right?"

"Yes, except for one," he told me, eyes darkening. "My brother."

I nodded in agreement. "So, then... why do I need to learn this stuff?"

"Many reasons, one being there's not just daem out there."

My eyes flickered up to his stern expression.

"Fallen angels are at war with each other," he explained to me, voice dark. "Some are angry at others—vengeful—and even though the other fallen had nothing to do with their pain...."

"They need someone to blame," I finished.

He pointed the wooden sword at me. "Exactly. And what I'm worried about is you. You are the only archangel on Earth, Skye. And despite you being human, they see the archangel side. Not only that, but you're Veronica's daughter—the leader of the angel race—so that makes it even easier for them to blame you."

"But I didn't do anything," I explained, brows drawing together. "I didn't force them to fall. I've been here the whole time."

"It doesn't matter," Sebastian said, eyes growing dark. "In their eyes, you are an archangel, you are Veronica's daughter, therefore, you are bad, and you are to blame."

I pursed my lips, the cold hands sealing around my throat. "Sebastian... is that how you thought of me when you wanted to kill me?"

His expression grew grim, and I looked away, feeling my heart grow cold again.

"I see," I whispered.

He just sighed. "Skye, look at me."

I hesitantly gazed up.

"I know I lied to you," he told me, eyes soft. "For the last month or two, I'd been telling you that North was the bad guy when I was, too. I know that you're angry that I lied, I know."

I just closed my eyes tightly. "Sebastian... why did you take me into that house knowing I'd find your secret?"

He pushed air through his lips. "I didn't. I didn't think that was in there. I thought I burned it so long ago."

I sighed then, shaking my head. "You don't know North's plan, do you?"

He gazed up curiously.

"He put it in your mind that if you killed me, you'd make Veronica vulnerable. Well... that's not all." I gazed up, tears developing in my eyes. "He told me that he'd get you to kill me, hurt Veronica like you wanted, but he knew that the archangels would take you and send you to hell... or brutally murder you. And then he would kill Veronica and sit on her throne." I breathed for a moment while he stared at me in shock. "He wants to take over the world, Sebastian. It's a typical villain motive."

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