5 - You want to bring Abraham Lincon back from the dead?

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"I don't think that's a good enough reason to bring someone back from the dead," I told Neveah.

"You're saying if Sebastian died you wouldn't have taken every option to bring him back?" she inquired, spinning around in my desk chair as I sat on my bed.

"Well..." I said, hesitating, "that's different."

"It's not so different!" she said.

"Yes, it is!" I replied. "You want to bring Abraham Lincon back from the dead just to ask him if his favorite animal was a cat!"

"I need answers for my history project," she groaned, rolling her eyes. "I can't find it anywhere on the internet what his favorite animal was! I'm going to fail this!"

"So, you want to risk turning Abraham Lincon into a zombie just to pass your ten-point history assignment?"

She gave me a look. "Don't make it sound so stupid."

"It is stupid," I told her. "Seriously, are you mentally ill?"

Her eyes narrowed into a glare.

"Oh," I said, "correction; calling you mentally ill is an insult to mentally ill people." I smiled innocently.

Her lips parted, and then her mouth dropped. "That's heartless!"

I just laughed, making her glare. "I'm joking! You're definitely smarter than me, you're dating the typical high school jock, and I'm dating a guy who could classify as a serial killer."

Neveah snorted then. "Yeah, right. Has Sebastian even killed once in his life?"

"The answer to that question remains unknown," I said then, staring off into space, "and I'm not sure I want to know the answer to that."

Neveah giggled. "Well, you could go a lot worse. His brother."

I made a gagging noise. "Okay, he would classify as a serial killer."

"Or a mass murderer," she added.

"Mass murderer sounds more correct," I replied, giving her an amused look. "He's creepy."

"That's an understatement," she replied, brows arched, "he threw you into a glass table!"

"I love how everyone keeps bringing that up," I said.

"It's true," she told me, shrugging. "It needs to be brought up because it must've been painful."

I gave her an amused look, sarcasm dripping from my tone: "No, because I don't have nerves."

She waved off my comment and spun around in my chair again. "Are you alright?" she said, continuing to spin. "You know... with North chasing you and all. Are you scared?"

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