12 - I hate him in general

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"Your prince charming is here," Sebastian said as he crawled through my window.

I smiled softly, sitting up in my bed as the sleeve of my shirt slipped down past my shoulder.

He stretched his arms out and yawned, slipping off his leather jacket as it dropped to the floor.

He then made his way over to me.

"Tired?" I said as he slipped in beside me.

"Nah," he told me, smirking as he propped himself up with his elbow.

I tipped my head to the side and regarded him.

"I see you branded the room," he told me, glancing at the burn mark spreading past the door. He then glanced at my bathroom. "And that room, too."

I just stared down at him. "I hate it when North keeps interrupting us... And... and I hate him in general."

Sebastian smiled and brushed his thumb along my chin, grasping under it and tipping my head up. "Is your door locked?"

"Yes..." I said, "why?"

He just rolled over me, making me yelp. "Good."

And he clasped our lips together.

I gave into the kiss, tipping my head up when I tasted the familiar tang of his mints, and the sweetness of the lip-balm.

So... good.

Sebastian twined my hair into his hand, pulling me closer as I moaned, tipping my head up to meet him.

He smelled like pepper... he tasted like spearmint... his body was so warm, enclosing me in a sense of protection.

Tears slipped down my cheeks as his emotions bled into me; want, desire, pain... suffering.

He was suffering.

Sebastian just pulled away when he tasted my tears, and gazed down at me, concerned.

I stared up, hiccupping as he watched me, and I covered my face as my expression cracked.

He just pulled my hands away, and I stared up at his blurred figure.

"Shhh..." he soothed, brushing my tears away with his thumbs. "Still scared, huh?"

How did he know that?

He smiled softly. "I can make you feel better. Take your mind off everything."

Before I replied, he just leaned down and pecked my neck, making me gasp as my lashes fluttered open.

He just continued down, over my shoulder, going over my sleeve, and making his way down my arm.

He jolted through me every time his lips touched my skin.

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