17 - It's up to you now, Skye

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I stared out the car window as North kneeled in the house's doorway, slamming his fist over that boy's face over and over again.

I narrowed my eyes.

Why did that boy look familiar?

But—all the sudden—Claire rushed into the car, making me gaze up when she opened my door.

She spared North a glance before gazing down at me. "We've been ambushed."

I blinked, heart thudding. "What?"

"Neveah and Chris were walking the parameter to try to see if there were threats, they spotted twelve other fallen heading for this area."

My brows drew together. "Why?"

"They have a bone to pick with Sebastian, I'm guessing," she stated, shrugging. "And it's not just revenge on him."

I shook my head. "What's going on then?"

"They're looking for you, Skye," Neveah said, making my breaths still. Her expression was grim. "Jaden kidnapped Sebastian in order to get revenge on him; he thinks we have something to do with his sister's death... but he called other fallen, Skye. They want to get your whereabouts out of him."

I really hate my birth mother.

I closed my eyes tightly and opened them. "So, the plan?"

"It's changed," she stated, glancing back at North to find him still busy. "We were going to go in with you, but... now we can't."

"So what do I do?" I demanded. "We can't leave him here!"

"No," she said, "we can't. So here's what we do." She glanced at North again as he kept punching the boy. "North is preoccupied with Jaden. Neveah, Chris and I will fend off the fallen until you escape with Sebastian." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Be careful, there's signs that Jaden has bodyguards."

"Wait... Jaden?" I said then, breaths stilling. "The guy who's always on his phone, Jaden? At my archangel thing? He's a part of this?"

She nodded. "Yes, and my guess is that he doesn't know the fallen are coming because he hasn't told them about you. So keep it that way."

I nodded, heart thudding.

"I have to go," she said then, "they're coming."

She then scrambled off, leaving the door open.

I just breathed deeply and slipped out of the car, leaving the door open as I snuck around a group of trees and circled around North's view.

He didn't seem to notice me, just kept punching Jaden.

I didn't blame him... I would do it, too.

But my question was that... why wasn't he going after Sebastian?

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