25 - North... WHAT

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"And since we know the quotations are put here," my teacher said. "We know that this is considered sarcasm, right?"

A couple kids muttered in agreement.

"Wow," she said, smiling a little, "looks like we're all tired today, huh?"

I sighed and continued writing notes.

"Does anyone know what satire is?" she wondered, glancing around. "At the top of their heads? Not looked up? What's satire?"

I blinked when my phone buzzed in my pocket, and I gazed down, pulling it from my pocket.

I gazed up to make sure she wasn't looking, and I glanced down at the text.

It was from Sebastian:

To you and Claire

I need you two downstairs in the lobby right now. It's important.

I looked up to Claire to find her putting her phone away, and she gave me a concerned look.

I sighed and raised my hand, finding my teacher glancing at me.

"Oh, Skye? Do you know what satire is?"

"Oh," I said, shaking my head, "no, ma'am. I'm just feeling really dizzy... can I go to the clinic?"

"Of course!" she said, smiling. "Do you need someone to walk you?"

"I'll walk her!" Claire said immediately, shooting her hand up. "Can I?"

She nodded and smiled, nodding out from the classroom.

I quickly stuffed my phone in my pocket as Claire stepped over to my table and guided my arm up, and I let her help me up as we walked out from the classroom carefully.

Once we reached out of the English hall, we suddenly separated from each other and jogged down the halls to the lobby.

"What do you think he wants?" I asked her.

"I don't know," she replied as her hair whipped back and forth. "But it better be good."

We slowed to a stop at the end of the hallway, finding Sebastian leaning against a wall and staring off into space blankly.

I stopped next to him, crossing my arms over my chest as Claire leaned against another wall behind me.

"What?" I demanded, nodding to him.

He pushed air through his lips, nodding to his right.

We glanced next to him, finding a bundle of guys laughing and stepping down the hall.

There was a main guy in the front, laughing with them as his black backpack rested over one shoulder, and all the other guys behind him swarmed around like a monsoon.

Twisted (Switched: 2) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now