(23) A Young Wolf Amongst Sheep.

Start from the beginning

"One billion gold… going once, going twice… SOLD!"

He declared with a shaky flourish, pointing at me as the victor.

A hollow victory.

As much as winning felt satisfying, the weight of a billion gold sat heavy in my stomach.

A bitter irony permeated the situation – I had just claimed ownership of another human being.

'What have I gotten myself into?'

The thought echoed in my head, a throbbing counterpoint to the girl's trembling on the stage.

The spotlight's glare seemed to intensify after my outrageous bid, drawing even more unwanted attention to her vulnerability.

A disgruntled sigh escaped my lips just as Bun-Bun poked his head out of my pocket.

"She has potential," he whispered cryptically.

'Again with the cryptic statements!'

I wanted to scream, frustration bubbling over.

Just then, a prickling sensation started at the base of my skull.

It intensified with every passing second, worming its way up my spine until it felt like a thousand tiny needles were burrowing into my brain.

I glanced around, searching for the source of the discomfort, but everyone seemed oblivious.

Was it the stress of the auction?

Or something more?


Suddenly, a commotion erupted near the back door.

Servants scurried frantically, their panicked energy drawing everyone's attention, including Baron Von Kri's.

"This just got interesting," he muttered under his breath, a flicker of something unsettling replacing his earlier smugness.

He slammed his bidding paddle down on the armrest, a forced smile plastered on his face.

"We shall see,"

He hissed towards me, his voice dripping with a dark promise.

"This isn't over, Grand Duke Cha,"

He growled, a barely audible threat aimed at me.

"You haven't seen the last of Baron Von Kri."

His words were laced with venom, but I feigned indifference, masking my simmering anger with a cool stare. 

'Ugh, the urge to beat him up is real,'

I thought, clenching my fists beneath my chair.

The commotion escalated, culminating in a new figure being dragged onto the stage.

A half-naked man with steel grey eyes that scanned the audience with a predatory gleam – Eckles.

The crowd buzzed with excitement as the auctioneer's voice rose above the din.

"Honored guests, the moment you've all been waiting for! The final item of tonight's event!"

The auctioneer's announcement sent a jolt of anticipation through the crowd.

Eyes widened, breaths hitched, and a crackling tension filled the air like electricity before a storm.

Eckles' eyes met mine for a fleeting moment, a silent exchange that spoke volumes.

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