Chapter 26 | Back From The Dead

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

The two looked at one another, one fairly certain the boy before him was none other than the dead kid, Izuku Midoriya. The other stood next to two girls, one, a kid that was getting annoyed of standing still. 

"Angel~ can we leave please, I'm tired..." Ellie whined. Izuku stopped looking the blonde over and knelt down to pick her up. He held her in his arms and breathed in calmly. Giving a small bow and avoiding eye contact as he grabbed Mai's hand and walked down the sidewalk, hopefully there'd be a taxi that could get them out of there quickly. His mind was already running miles trying to figure out what happened earlier. That little freak out of his was practically impossible. He didn't feel things like that, the fact that the feelings were so overwhelming was something he'd only ever experienced once, and that was when he'd nearly killed a man out of anger.

The three left the blonde standing there awkwardly. Before long, two figures walked out of the building swiftly, hurriedly walking up to the blonde. "Yagi, who was that?" A black haired man asked as he looked around, trying to see if they were still around. The blonde looked back at him in surprise, noticing the ghostly pale features belonging to a certain blue haired boy, a student of theirs.

"Ah, Aizawa..., I uh..., the girl's said his name was Zuri, the kid kept calling him Angel though..., I'm uh..." Yagi looked out of place as he looked back down the sidewalk where the three of them had disappeared. "Why do you ask?" He asked the man.

"That kid..., he should be dead. It took a while to recognize him, but..., that..., that was definitely Izuku Midoriya." Aizawa told him. Yagi looked at him in surprise, he'd already known that, or at least suspected as much, but the fact that someone else confirmed it, all of this was suddenly getting more and more difficult to understand.

"Did he..., fake his own death?" Yagi asked him.

"That's impossible!" The blue haired teen shouted. Yagi looked at the boy in surprise, he never raised his voice unless scolding someone else. 

"Yagi..., the two of us were there, that kid died. There was no pulse, and he'd already been dead for three days, it was even confirmed. Not to mention..., almost all of his blood was drained from his body because of the rain..." The man looked sick as he thought back to that scene, he's seen terrible things, his death unfortunately didn't even take the cake, but it was still a sight a kid like Ida should never have stumbled upon. 

"If he'd already been dead for three days, how does it make sense that he's alive? Are you sure he didn't fake it? I mean, what if he used another person's body, one that looked like his?" Yagi asked in worry.

"That's also impossible, they had him tested, everything about him matched, aside from his looks, every cell in that kids body brings us back to Izuku Midoriya. There's no way he faked his death..., and he'd been sitting on the coroner's table for hours..., that kid..., he was dead." Aizawa told him. Though the workers definitely concealed the evidence of a body randomly coming back to life, there was no way that that kid wasn't Izuku Midoriya.


Izuku sighed internally as he sat in a similar seat to the taxi they'd ridden in before. Only an hour or so actually. Probably even less than that, they'd been in the building for only a couple of minutes before his freak out. He wasn't even sure if it was a freak out or if he'd almost had a heart attack.

"Zuri..., that man definitely recognized you..., I think he knows that you're actually Izuku Midoriya." Mai whispered. Ellie was fast asleep on his chest, but it didn't help that the cab driver looked nosy. Izuku nodded, a little shaken from it all. 

"Damnit..., this is all my fault." She sighed to herself. "If I hadn't made you go..., they'd have never even known you're still alive. I'm pretty sure that guy knew the heroes too..., I think it'd be best for us to lay low for a while." She told him.

Izuku nodded, squeezing her hand, he looked out the window, Mihori hadn't even been there. He worried for her.

"Forget it..., Zuri, why don't we give you a change of style for the time being. Get that hair of yours fixed up, I mean, you can keep it long and all, but it's too messy, I mean, even that hairspray I used is barely working, you're hair looks a mess..." She told him awkwardly, flicking at the strands of hair that stuck out and curled all around.

Izuku could use a few more clothes, now that he'd grown, the clothes from his go bag were useless..., he'd like to get his jacket tailored too. Mihori had picked it out for him, even if it was covered in his blood, he really wanted to keep it. Izuku looked at her and nodded, his eyes were no longer filled with fear or suspicion, he looked calm, his mind no longer reeling from the sight of his 'mother'. If that even was her..., he still couldn't believe how different she looked from the pictures Mihori and the doctor's had given him. It was like they intentionally made him dislike her..., it was probably because she never came to visit...

Honestly though..., he still didn't feel like going back..., he'd found a life for himself, even if it is as a runaway or whatever he was. Mai had already practically taken over his life as well, and that asshole was after her. Not to mention Ellie..., he couldn't leave her alone, not with two men after her as well. That man was definitely still after her, especially now that he was 'dead'. There was her father as well, he had to do all he could to keep him away from her, even if he was branded as a kidnapper himself.

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