Chapter 25 | A Blonde He Knew

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

Mai rushed him out of the building, his mind was completely blank. His head spun as he saw nothing but the image of her. Who..., was that..., it wasn't the woman from the pictures. She looked so lifeless, so tired, her eyes were red from crying. But why was she..., so beautiful. That wasn't the woman he remembered, it couldn't have been, he had an almost perfect memory..., why... why did his chest hurt at the mere sight of her. His mind was spinning, even though he felt nothing toward her, why was he so desperate to make her stop crying. To run to her despite not even knowing her.

"Zuri!" His eyes flashed in front of him. He'd fallen to the ground, holding onto his chest as he panted, desperate for air. "Zuri." Ellie cried out, holding onto him and shaking him gently. Mai was in front of him, watching behind him in case someone came running out after them.

"Angel!" Ellie cried, he blinked as he fully came to. He was practically drenched in a cold sweat. He looked up at Ellie as she cried, his hand moved, shaking despite himself. 

He placed it onto her head as he slowly caught his breath. He looked around, everything had practically gone black. They were already outside, he was sitting on his knees, the dress pants scraping against the hard pavement. He looked up at Mai, almost as if asking what had happened. She quickly helped him up, grabbing Mai as well.

"Listen, Zuri. I think we need to get out of here." Mai told him. All he could do was nod, his body was shaking so badly, he didn't even know what had happened. It was like he had blacked out. He can hardly remember anything after seeing her face. His mother's face...

"Zuri?" Ellie shook his arm. He nodded and as he slowly stood up, his body wasn't listening to him. Even though he could hardly feel anything as is, it made things even more difficult on him. He'd never experienced something like that before, not even after waking up from his coma. It was terrifying.

Mai helped him up, hooking his arm over her shoulder. "What was that..., you scared the shit out of us." She told him. Izuku shook his head. His face still looking pale despite being mostly covered. As they began walking away from the building. Mai suddenly stopped as a hand grabbed her arm. 

She flinched, almost knocking him off of his feet. She looked behind her and her face paled slightly at the familiar figure behind them. It was the blonde man from before. Again, he knew him from somewhere, he just couldn't place it...

"Ah..., can I help you..." Mai asked worriedly. The man looked him over, looking at him curiously. He was pale, almost sickly looking. It didn't help that he was drenched in sweat. His eyes were even partially unfocused.

"Zuri?" Ellie held his hand, swinging it back and forth as she looked up at the stranger.

"Uh..., sorry, I think I mistook him for someone else..." The man told them. Izuku's eyes widened slightly. He recognized that voice. It was the American from tv. He looked over at the man, his eyes slightly narrowed as he looked over his face. He'd only heard it a few times, but it was the reason he knew English now. He wasn't even sure how he learned it, but hearing it repeatedly while in a coma apparently had an effect. It didn't really matter that he knew English now anyway, it's not like he could speak it.

Izuku nudged her slightly, his legs not as shaky as a moment ago. He stood on his own, taking in a labored breath. The mask really didn't help his situation. He looked at the man and sighed internally. Pointing toward himself than to him. The blonde didn't seem to understand.

"He's asking if you know him." Mai told him. Izuku looked at her in surprise. Normally not even she understood his pointless motions. Ellie was also curiously looking up at the tall blonde, he towered over all of them, nearly a foot or so taller than even Izuku, and he'd grown at least six inches since he'd woken up from..., well, death.

"You know Angel?" Ellie asked the tall man. The blonde looked between the two in surprise. He did know this boy, he's fairly sure he did anyway. Between the color of his hair and his eyes..., he'd seen him before. Even though he's taller, his hair longer and his eyes even slightly darker..., it was like he was a completely different person..., but there was no way this wasn't him. This was definitely Izuku Midoriya. He just couldn't understand how he's changed so much in such a short amount of time, that and..., how he's still alive. Now that he really thought about it though, it had already been over a year since that happened. He still couldn't help but remember it. It didn't help that the kid was one of the only ones that knew his secret. Now though, he clearly didn't even recognize him. Like all his memories had been completely wiped.

"Uh..., I thought I did..., sorry, I think I confused you for someone else." The man told him. Izuku looked at him curiously. He's pretty sure he wasn't a part of his family. He did see a few blondes around, but they didn't look to be all that familiar with him either, like they were only there to be there. The heroes were concerning as well, a few of them were looking at him, or at least, that's what Mai and Ellie had rushed out of the building because of. That and his little freak out.

"Zuri says it's ok." Ellie spoke up for him, ignoring his questioning glance.

"Can he..., not talk?" The man asked him. Izuku's eyes narrowed.

"He's mute. He's been mute for years now." Mai covered for him. 

"Ah, I see..., sorry." The man bowed his head a bit in apology. Izuku shook his head and let out a strange muffled sigh. The two girls looked at him in confusion. Izuku stood fully on his own. He felt calm now, he wasn't sweating despite wearing a turtle neck. 

Izuku looked at him and bowed his head a bit in response. The blonde knew he was Midoriya, but he couldn't expose it, he only actually knew it was him because of the missing posters, although his family used old pictures, his friend in the detective's unit showed him an actual picture of him. Although his hair's slightly longer and he's gotten taller, this kid was definitely Izuku Midoriya. He wasn't aware of why he's apparently been 'mute' for years though. He knew that he'd been hospitalized, apparently having been in a coma for a year. But, he didn't know what caused the coma, what lead him to being a 'missing' person.

He didn't know any of it, he didn't even actually know if this kid was Izuku Midoriya like he thought he was. But..., he wanted to believe he was still alive, even if the kid couldn't remember him or even his own family...

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