Chapter 6 | He Looks Completely Different

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

Mihori quickly guided him out of the hospital, ignoring any and all chances of the two of them getting caught and guiding him into a Taxi she had waiting for them. She placed the bag to their side and quickly had the Taxi driver leave the hospital in fear of the two of them getting caught.

Along the way, Mihori had the creeping feeling that she had missed something, but she could do nothing but try her best to relax as she saw Izuku's wide eyes as they passed the blinding lights of the city. There were hundreds of people along the streets, all of them sporting different characteristics from the others as quirk's had drastically changed the world.

"I forgot you couldn't remember a lot of the world." Mihori chuckled softly. Izuku looked back at her, his eyes not showing too much amusement, but she knew he was enjoying the ride.

"Did they manage to teach you anything about the world?" She asked him. Izuku shook his head, they had mostly focused their attention on getting him to recover. They had mentioned that he was lucky he could still stand since the knife could have even gone deep enough to hit his spinal cord, luckily for him, the criminal hadn't managed to put that much strength into it.

"I suppose I'll have to teach you sign language..., that'll be a difficult task for the both of us." Mihori chuckled. Izuku looked at her in confusion, realizing he didn't even really know how to write much in Japanese as is, the fact she wants to teach him JSL is already going to be a task.

Even though Izuku was basically like a blank slate, he still for some reason held onto the basics, it wasn't really the basics of the world, just a bit of know how, like how to understand Japanese despite not being able to speak or write it. He couldn't really get used to the sound of it either, but he figured that because the doctors and nurses were probably speaking in Japanese all the time while he was in a coma, his brain probably got used to it and even began to mildly understand it.

Izuku looked back out the window and noticed all the different types of people along the streets. Some of them dressed strangely and being crowded, he assumed they were probably important people, but he wasn't all that interested in them. He was more interested in all the different colors all over the streets, the most color he'd seen in the hospital was blue and white, along with that, any color that the other patients wore. It wasn't all that colorful in the hospital. Honestly, it was more so just dull. Even more so in the coma patient's wing. (In all honesty, I've read that a lot of coma patients are actually kept in the ICU, which is normally very busy, but I think it'd be better for his hospital to have a specific wing for the coma patients so the beginning isn't super chaotic.)

It was nearly half an hour later that Mihori had the Taxi driver stop on the side of the street. She guided him out of the car and grabbed hold of his arm, moving his bangs to cover his face a bit more.

"If you get tired, make sure you tell me ok? We've gotta walk from here." Mihori told him. She handed the Taxi driver a couple of bills before waving the man goodbye and guiding Izuku down the street through the crowds of people.

Izuku simply followed along after her, not bothering to grab her attention. He couldn't speak to begin with, so there wasn't much point in trying to ask a question. Not to mention, his hands were still shaky, it was difficult to really even hold a pen, let alone write in an unfamiliar language.

As Mihori held his arm and walked slowly throughout the streets, he couldn't help but slow down slightly as slightly familiar words caught his attention. He knew it wasn't Japanese, but somehow, he could still mildly understand it, he looked around for a moment and noticed a small group of people talking to one another. He ignored it though as Mihori pulled him along.

"You know English?" Mihori asked him in surprise. He looked at her in confusion. He didn't even know his own language, how would he know another. But, it did sound kind of familiar, he couldn't help but feel like someone in the hospital had constantly spoke in English, that or one of the doctor's had the TV on while in his coma. That would be a more likely option.

Izuku shrugged at her question as he looked back at the small group of people. One of them noticed his gaze and he quickly looked away, flinching as Mihori suddenly pulled him closer and nearly tripped him. He sighed and a soft distorted whistle escaped his lips.

"Sorry Izu, but we have to keep going, what if someone knows you out here, that wouldn't be good." Mihori warned him. 

Izuku shook his head, he looked completely different than he did before his coma, there was no way someone would recognize him, not even he could recognize his pictures. That was yet another reason why he felt so uncomfortable at all the pictures the doctors would always show him.

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